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- March 18, 2005
The Cult of Mac
March 18, 2005Read moreI was at Barnes and Noble today, and flipped through The Cult of Mac. It’s part coffee-table book, part sub cultural reference, filled with photographs from the very dawn of computing to present-day.
My impression was that it’s more sociological than technical in its presentation. Maybe even counter-cultural; I hadn’t made the connection between Macintosh and Pot until I saw the chapter. I also liked how it credited Steve Jobs for his immense vision and sense of aesthetics, while acknowledging that he’s widely perceived to be an asshole. Straight shooting! And I’ve always been curious about the Mac perception overseas in places like Japan. This book covers it all.
I will definitely need to pick it up…time to do some early holiday shopping at ThinkGeek.
- March 18, 2005
The Bunk Stops Here!
March 18, 2005Read moreI’m a fan of Penn & Teller’s magic shtick. They’re subversive con artists, but they’re honest about what they’re doing; It’s entertaining and at the same time empowering. When they’re not on stage in Vegas, they’ve got a program on Showtime called Bullshit! which is kind of like a sardonic version of 60 Minutes. In the first season, they’ve debunked mystics, alien abductees, and firewalkers. That’s to be expected. But they’ve also cast a critical eye on entrenched mainstream practice. Chiropractors, smoking bans, environmental activism…they’ve all been examined and laid bare. They challenge what you think you know, exorcising lies from all parts of the political compass. The show isn’t unbiased in its presentation, mind you; I’ve wondered if the producers trumped things up more than was necessary. It’s still great. P&T want us to question and find the truth on our own, not take it for granted because some guy in a suit says so. I just picked up the second season on DVD.
As much as I like P&T, sometimes all that high-minded Libertarian thinking gets in the way of blowing stuff up real good…that’s the strength of the Discovery Channel’s Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage on Mythbusters. Veterans of the film special effects industry, Hyneman and Savage apply their pragmatic (and loony) approach to science to prove or disprove urban legends. Like, can you get stuck on an airplane toilet seat when you flush, the vacuum of spaaace locked onto your tuckus? Does toast really tend to fall butter side down? Can you beat the Breathalyzer with Tic Tacs? Can you make an assassin’s rifle bullet out of ice? If you toss a penny off the Empire State Building, is it lethal? All those questions and more are addressed every week by the Mythbuster’s crew with boundless energy and good humor. These are the kinds of folk I’d like to hang out with: smart, motivated, and just a little bit crazy.
- March 17, 2005
March 17, 2005Read moreI’ve been mildly crunching on a programming project, spending a lot of time inside. Around 4PM I got up to go get my mail to break the monotony. It’s just a short walk from my condo to the central mailboxes.
99 times out of a 100, I get my mail on the way home from somewhere in the car, but today I thought I’d hoof it. Good thing, too, because I had one of those “duh” epiphanies the moment I stepped outside.
- March 17, 2005
A Few of My Favorite Things
March 17, 2005Read moreI have a lot of junk in my house. Been cutting back a lot, but I finally broke down and got that Zojirushi Hot Water Dispenser. As I made my first pot of tea from it, I realized it was one of a very few objects that give me the warm fuzzy feeling every time I use it. These are the things that make me feel good practically every day:
- March 17, 2005
Hot Hot Hot
March 17, 2005Read moreWhen my Dad was visiting, he brought an electric hot water pot from Taiwan for my sister. He thought I already had one, so he apologized for not bringing one for me. I assured him that I had told him not to bring anything, and not to worry. My sister generously offered to let him use it while he was visiting, so we just kept it in my house until he left. During this time, we used it every day to make tea and soup on demand. I even used it to give my anemic coffee maker a boost in the water temperature, resulting in a faster, richer brew.
When my sister finally got to take it home, my house seemed empty. Tea took 15min to get prepared, and I constantly had to reboil the kettle to to make another pot. So I finally got this Zojirushi 3.0L Hot Water Pot from Amazon. It has three water temperatures, an electric pump, a dechlorinator. And heck…it’s from Zojirushi, the premiere Japanese kitchen appliance maker! Hot water, on tap!
I also totally want this Mr. Bento Lunch Jar. Look! The microwave safe bowls stack inside the lunch jar, which is insulated and keeps them work. TOTALLY AWESOME. If I still worked in an office, I would totally get this. Yeah, totally totally.