Resolution Review #9: An Economy of Giving
It’s time again for my monthly Groundhog Day Resolutions Review, when I analyze how I’m progressing on my yearly...
Day 15: Taichung Guoguang Flower Market
Saturday, October 31, 2015 Dad wanted to show me the orchid market in Taichung that he likes to visit...
Day 14: In Search of Taiwanese Breakfast
Friday, October 30, 2015 Dad got me up early to take me on an early morning walk to the...
Theory of My Mind: Does Action Precede Motivation?
I stumbled upon a phrase “Action Precedes Motivation” sometime during my wanderings of the Internet yesterday, and sufficiently intrigued...
Day 13: Journey to the West (of Taichung City)
Thursday, October 29, 2015. We went to visit my Uncle’s house (“condominium” might be more accurate) more than 20...
Day 12 Reflection: Visiting the Source of Personal Demons
Monday, November 2, 2015. Sorry for the belated update! I’ve been unable to write much about the Taiwan Trip...
Day 11-12: The Appliances of Taiwan
Wednesday, October 28, 2015. After Monday’s oral surgery to insert two dental implants into my jaw, I’ve been taking...
Day 09-10: Dinner and Dentistry in Taichung
Monday, October 26, 2015. The past two days have been about getting ready for the dental implant operation I...
Day 06-08: Settling into Taiwan with Dad
Saturday, October 24, 2015. It’s been difficult to keep up with my daily updates, but perhaps that was to...
NaNoWriMo 2015 November Word Counting Calendar
You can always download the most recent version from my Nanowrimo Calendar Page! It is updated by late October...