Freeform Recharge Weekend (GHD033-034)
Working on these goals every day, while somewhat satisfying to date, has also been mentally exhausting. For the weekend...
Project Icon Illustration Kickoff (GHD032)
I was staring at my website home page again, noticing the placeholder icons I’d made once more. They have...
Groundhog Resolutions Review #1 (GHD031)
It’s MARCH 3, the first Groundhog Day Resolution Review Day of 2016! This is a quite a lengthy review,...
Combining Opportunities for Game-Making Goals (GHD030)
Wednesday was a day of combining work goals with personal goals. The personal goal in this case is Make...
Impromptu Music Day (GHD029)
On Tuesday, I met with my friend Rebecca to play with Garageband, the ubiquitous Macintosh song creation software that...
Clarifying Website Focus (GHD028)
Happy Monday! Today I unexpectedly worked on my website’s front page, changing the font and refocus the text to...
Music Song Lists for Composition Goal (GHD027)
Much of Sunday was spent assembling lists of music videos on YouTube in preparation for the Music Composition video...
Website Graphic and Process Tweaks (GHD026)
Saturday’s GHDR Goal reflects my recent desire to slow down the pace…accepting incremental progress on website updates! I deliberately...
Incremental Music Preparation (GHD025)
After yesterday’s realization that I probably needed to slow down even more, today’s task was merely to write an...
Slow Down and Assess (GHD024)
I’ve been feeling a vague sense of unease all this week with regards to my general productivity. While I...