August 30, 2011
2011-0829 Monday
August 30, 2011SUMMARY: This is the last daily diary for a while, because I think I’ve gotten what I needed from...
August 28, 2011
2011-0827 Saturday – Sunday
August 28, 2011SUMMARY: The highlight of the weekend was an eating experiment to see if I could carbo-bomb my system into...
August 26, 2011
2011-0826 Friday
August 26, 2011Summary: Last night I had the realization that it may be my ATTITUDE toward work that is the greatest...
August 25, 2011
2011-0825 Thursday
August 25, 2011Summary: Eating lots of sugar, and realizing that it isn’t sugar crashes, sleeplessness, or lack of exercise that’s making...
August 24, 2011
2011-0824 Wednesday
August 24, 2011SUMMARY: A day of experimentation with sugar, and logging the sensations surrounding it, in an attempt to see if...
August 23, 2011
2011-0823 Tuesday
August 23, 2011SUMMARY: A day that didn’t go as planned in most respects, but was insight-generating! Productive in an non-planned way.