
  • Tommy

    October 31, 2004

    TommyHere’s another picture of Tommy, Mark’s Russian Blue.
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    DSri Seah
  • Sci-Fi Weekend TV

    October 29, 2004

    Watch Farscape now!I finally got around to watching the 4 hour miniseries, Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars. And now, the series is officially over. It was a good run, with some of my favorite characters ever in a series. Sigh.

    Watch Battlestar Galactica in January 2005!I’m looking forward to the new Sci-Fi channel series, Battlestar Galactica, which picks up after the excellent mini-series pilot. Sure, there’s some iffy elements, such as the suddenly-human Cylons. At least they’re supermodels. But the human element was surprisingly poignant…it’s kind of like The West Wing meets Rat Patrol. Uh, in a good way. John Olmos (you may remember him as the brooding chief from Miami Vice) is an awesome Adama. And surprisingly, the new Apollo and Starbuck (shown right) are pretty cool.
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    DSri Seah
  • Jenny!

    October 29, 2004

    JennyHere’s Jenny lurking on the couch while she was visiting.
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    DSri Seah
  • Dot-Com Business Plan Archive

    October 28, 2004

    The Economy seems to be picking up here in the greater Boston area. Just about everyone I know seems to have more work than they can handle, which is great if you’re a freelancer. But beware the mistakes of the past that threaten to drag us down once again! Enter the Business Plan Archive:

    The Internet boom and bust of 1996 to 2002 was the most important business phenomenon of the past several decades. In the wake of this historic period, we have an unprecedented opportunity to learn from our past mistakes and successes. To help us learn from history, we are creating the Business Plan Archive (BPA) to collect business plans and related documents from the dot com era. These plans – the “blueprints” that lay out the assumptions and strategies of Internet entrepreneurs – will enable entrepreneurs and researchers to conduct both qualitative and quantitative research.

    Sounds pretty cool! Registration required, though. Via slashdot.

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    DSri Seah
  • Introversion 3.14…

    October 28, 2004

    Visit SiteOnline buddy Tim forwarded me this site for contemplation.

    I like it! But I am soft in the head for this kind of stuff. For usability, some may find it inaccessible and daft. But that’s not what it’s about…

    You could look at this as an expression of introversion… a very private type of interface, created to please its creator first. Each bloop and blurp is a pure expression of delight in motion. You’re certainly not invited into the site like a Walmart with carpet spread wide. You have to grapple to extract any meaning. You either get it, or you don’t. But if you put the effort into it…it becomes accessible bit by bit. Very lovely. The motion work is awesome too…click on everything!

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    DSri Seah