
  • Design Patterns for Skimmers

    November 8, 2004

    Speaking of Patterns, I picked up a book called Head First Design Patterns at Borders. It’s written to be very informal, and has something of a conversational cheeky tone compared to most programming books; it’s part of their educational philosophy. Sort of like a Mr Bunny book that is actually teaching programming technique. Instead of being a turn-off, I ended up learning something about better Object Oriented Programming design in the first few pages, so I grabbed it. I’d heard about these Pattern thingies, but didn’t think much of them at the time. But they’re useful approaches that work. Like many newbie-ish OOP coders, I’ve implemented / rediscovered many of these principles in isolation; programming patterns have codified the behavior to some degree so you don’t make the kind of conceptual missteps I’ve made in even a relatively simple game. Good stuff.

    Hardcore macho programmers probably won’t like this book much, but if you’re looking for a lighter introduction to just the concepts, it’s not bad. The downside is the book is $44.00, which I think is a little pricey for a CD-less book even if it is 600+ pages.

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    DSri Seah
  • Flash Game Progress

    November 8, 2004

    I’ve been working on the winter game again, putting in the screen logic. My initial “elegant” design has been crumbled into a spaghetti-like mess, with meatball-like moments of clarity. This is largely because I wasn’t quite sure how to handle chained sprite sequences. For example, saw a bear needs to throw a rock at the screen. There are several animation sequences associated with the throw, each of which can be considered a state in itself. I’m coding it all manually with a series of ugly switch statements to just get it working. After I get the body of the program working, I’ll review it and derive a new set of animation classes, with behaviors implemented using the Strategy Pattern.

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    DSri Seah
  • Late Night Eavesdropping

    November 7, 2004

    So I went to the local Barnes & Noble in Nashua to browse around. As I was skirting the Starbucks cafe, I heard some awkward-sounding intonation from a couple near me. I realize that they’re on a first date! How cute! I just heard a bit:

    Girl: Do you do any other artistic kind of things? You know, like mumble mumble? Guy: Mumble Mumble Girl: Oh (Slightly-disappointed) Mumble Mumble. Guy: Mumble Mumble Photography Mumble Mumble… Girl: (Perking up) Mumble mumble! Mumble! Guy: Mumble (Misses Cue) Mumble Mumble, probably Mumble the Red Sox. (Awkward Pause)
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    DSri Seah
  • World of Warcraft

    November 6, 2004

    Visit SiteAh, the Blizzard Cinematics Team! With each of their game releases, they push the envelope of computer game cinematic animation; they’re right up there with Square. The latest cinematic to be released is from their upcoming game World of Warcraft.

    A year after closed alpha-testing began, the actual game is finally hitting the shelves as a very polished, complete, and remarkably rich online world. The final stress test is currently ongoing, and the free open beta will be starting up when that’s done. So join in and get a peek! The final game will be available on November 23rd! Unfortunately it’s a monthly fee, but for those of you who enjoy this type of game (and it does take a certain kind of person)… holy crap, there’s a lot to see and do, with relatively little of the spirit-crushing grinding that other games have. It reminds me of the old LucasArts adventure games, where they went out of their way to ensure that your experience was less about failure and more about fun. Way to go, Blizzard!

    Implementation-wise, there’s a lot to appreciate(more…)

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    DSri Seah
  • The Incredibles

    November 5, 2004

    Saw it tonight. Wow. This is movie making.

    Was reading up on it, and a few cool things: * Brad Bird, the director, was the creator/director of The Iron Giant. Which was fabulous. I’m glad he’s teamed up with Pixar! Thank the powers that be! The Iron Giant was totally screwed by the distributors. * Sarah Vowell, who is heard sometimes on Ira Glass’ This American Life on NPR, is the voice of Ivy!

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    DSri Seah