
  • Javascript Game Bullet Collisions and Financial Reports (GHD060-061)

    April 4, 2016

    BULLETS On Saturday and Sunday I worked a bit more on the Javascript Game Engine, adding on to Thursday’s progress by enabling collision detection between the spaceship, the bullets, and an invisible wall. In hindsight it seems ridiculously easy, but at the time I had been daunted by not knowing anything about how the PhysicsJS library actually worked. I had expected it to be a pain in the ass, but my knowledge of physics engines from past run-ins seems to have helped guide me through the experience. I livestreamed the entire 2 hour session late late at night, but had to delete that stream because YouTube detected copyrighted music streaming from my iTunes.

    To make up for it I made a couple of videos, this 20 minute overview and a shorter 2 minute progress video, which appears below:

    I also put together a Javascript Game Playlist which collects all the progress videos so far. It’s kind of exciting to be able to see how the engine is slowly progressing! (more…)

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    DSri Seah
  • Goal Tracker Version 2! (GHD059)

    April 2, 2016

    V2 Tracker On Friday I decided to update my Groundhog Day Goal Tracker Form, largely to raise my “big goal” awards from 10 points to 50 points to make them feel more epic. This turned into a four-hour rabbit hole of design revisions!

    Here’s a comparison of version 1 (left) with version 2:

    V1 versus V2 Tracker There is an archived livestream of the entire design session on YouTube, but here are the highlights of what changed:
    • Eliminated the “Pursue a Desirable Result” section, because I never used it. I largely used the form as a reference just to see the “Menu of Goals” and “Goal Related Points” lists. I ended up logging my points in these blog posts you’re reading right now.
    • Turned the weekly point tracker from vertical to horizontal. I was finding it hard to use the vertical format.
    • Added a space to record total points for the day and the week, which I’d forgotten to do in V1 of the form.

    I also made a few small additions/changes:

    • The purpose of “Consult Menu of Goals” and “Record Goal Related Points” in V1 was to emphasize a process. In V2, I changed this to Milestone Reward Points and Daily Reward Points to emphasize the difference between big picture and daily activities.
    • I assigned LETTERS to the Milestone Reward Goals, so I could write them in on the left side of the tracker area. These would then stand out visually on good days.
    • I removed the extra bubbles from the 1 through 5 point zones. I never exceeded 5, and I needed the space to fit the horizontal tracker. Besides, if I needed more than 5 points, the little dots are there for just that reason…just use hash marks!
    • I rewrote the copy so everything fit. There’s a new 5-point goal about leaving the house and the column hints at the bottom of the page have all been modified.

    Sadly, my color printer is still on the fritz so I can’t even use this form yet. The Patreon supporters have gotten a rough draft version of the blank template PDF to play with, and I’ll post an updated version to this site when I can get to it.

    GHDR Lessons Learned and Points Earned

    For all the work I’ve done on this form yesterday, it’s not worth a whole lot of points because it doesn’t fit with any of my year’s goals.

    10 Packaged earlier result and made available to world!
    2 Posted words on this website!
    1 Researched various sundry things to make game stuff possible!

    13 points. I guess that’s something! I do think the new form looks pretty cool…I really like the 3D effect from the colored lines. Looks exciting!

    About this Article Series

    For my 2016 Groundhog Day Resolutions, I'm challenging myself to make something goal-related every day from February 2nd through December 12. All the related posts (and more!) are gathered on the Challenge Page.

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    DSri Seah
  • Javascript Game Progress! (GHD057-058)

    April 1, 2016

    Bullets Wednesday and Thursday were Video Game Days, which directly relates to Project 1401, my Javascript video game project. On Wednesday, I attended the Southern New Hampshire GameDev Group and got inspired by all the projects I saw, so on Thursday I worked on adding shooting bullets to the game. It was the first major addition I’ve made to the Javascript engine in quite a while. I recorded a six-minute summary of what I did, which is much more focused than the raw late night coding binge that I captured.

    Now that I have a bit of momentum on this, I may try adding collision detection next. It’s amazing how fast one can work today by leveraging (1) The Internet and (2) other people’s code libraries to produce tangible results. (more…)

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    DSri Seah
  • Certainty, Discovered 15 Minutes at a Time (GHD054-056)

    March 30, 2016

    Chunks of Time I’ve been continuing to experiment with Livestreaming video on YouTube as a way to increase my motivation. The combination of talking-as-I-think, operating video cameras, and talking about process out-loud really seems to help my focus. Combined with the insight that limiting my time commitment to each project lowers my resistance to starting, I have had a couple good days of work.

    Feeling Under Scrutiny

    Since I have been working by myself at home for years, I’m finding that being “live” is not a bad surrogate for being social. Even when there is no one watching, the possibility that someone might is just enough of an incentive to keep me focused on work. Since I feel the need to explain what I’m doing for the benefit of people who might be watching, it also helps keep my mind from wandering. This is such a new approach for me that I can’t be sure if it’s a solution with staying power, as it generally takes me 2-3 weeks for the initial excitement from the sheer novelty of an experiment to wear off. That said, however, I decided to try to big experiments on Monday and Tuesday: Doing 15-minute pushes on six separate projects LIVE, and then Anti-procastinating by working LIVE on an actual client project. The initial results, from a process perspective anyway, are encouraging. The resulting 3.5-hour videos are maybe less interesting, but I have some thoughts on what works about them. (more…)

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    DSri Seah
  • Livestream Monday March 28: Trying 15-Minute Boosts

    March 28, 2016

    Livestream on 15-min Boosts I’m kicking off the week with a livestream to get myself in a productive work mood! I also want to try a new trick I wrote about yesterday: the 15-minute startup boost! Watch me attempt it and sweat! :)

    What is a 15-minute boost? The idea is that big hairy tasks are so big and uncertain that I don’t usually like starting them, but I can overcome resistance by severely restricting the time I allocate to them initially; once started, I seem to do ok! I’m going to try it on all my Groundhog Day Resolutions goals (or as many as I can) between noon and 3PM (Eastern Time), after doing some work+planning at 11AM.

    Here’s the link!

    Coworking with Dave!

    Monday March 28
    Start 11AM (US EASTERN)
    Ends 3PM
    Watch stream at

    UPDATE: Other than some sound synch issues and my own mumbly-ness, this went pretty well. Did bits of 6 projects in about 4 hours, which for me is a lot. I am wiped! The link will take you to the archived stream.

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    DSri Seah