
  • Vote for 2010 Printable CEO™ Updates for 2010

    December 30, 2009

    SUMMARY: While the Concrete Goals Tracker, Emergent Task Planner, and Emergent Task Timer PDFs are being updated, the more obscure forms may not get an update unless I hear that someone needs them. The current roster of forms is listed in this blog post. (more…)

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    DSri Seah
  • Winter Holiday Staff Update

    December 29, 2009

    I have a lot of catching up to do with my various productivity form updates, so I’ll be back in January. There’s quite a pile of things to plan and execute!

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    DSri Seah
  • Welcome to Opposite Week!

    December 28, 2009

    Opposite Week SUMMARY: I decide that a week of testing my assumptions wouldn’t be such a bad idea! (more…)
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    DSri Seah
  • Post Christmas Grab Bag of Thoughts

    December 28, 2009

    SUMMARY: Sexy pictures of oatmeal, sexy interval timers, sexy toy cat robots that store data. And, the opening realization that 2010 is going to be all about moving forward because all the visualizing and exploring I’ve been doing for the past five years seems to have solidified into an actual plan. (more…)

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    DSri Seah
  • Tuesday Evening Staff Meeting

    December 22, 2009

    These get later and later! :-) I’ve been mostly in production mode. In the last week, I’ve had 4-5 meetings with clients that are willing to work with me to get these packages defined and rolling. So, here’s the quick update:

    • 03-stack: a simple vertical navigation layout that resembles many websites out there, with some really basic CSS. Nothing to impress developers, but a foundational piece of coding for me.
    • Speaking of foundation, I’ve been expanding my own notes about common CSS issues I have never really been too clear on, in the WikiLab.
    • Expansion of various documents describing what goes into making a website, getting online, establishing an online identity, and writing content on the Agenceum Wiki. This has already come in handy just for showing people what I’ve been doing

    I’m finding that the real trick is just providing the information and the conceptual framework, not just making websites. More on that later!

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    DSri Seah