
  • Weekly Review 0701 – Cutting to the Bone

    July 1, 2019

    Tomatoes and Basil Taking Root In last week’s report:
    • Declared that my goal was building and sharing things, and everything else should feed into that including my work and other responsibilities.
    • Recognized just how much distraction comes from scheduled events, and vowed to reduce it even further.
    • Pondered that I might be destined to be a community manager instead of a maker, and have been mulling this last week.
    • Considered how telling people what I think up front works versus inviting discussion from people to emerge what to do. In some cases, people just want to be told. In others, they are looking for collaboration,. I should be mindful of which approach to use when.
    • Reported that 60 minutes of cardio every day was having positive effects on my mental state.

    Let’s review how the week went from there. (more…)

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    DSri Seah
  • Progress Report: Two Weeks of Cardio

    July 1, 2019

    As I reported last week, I’ve been doing an hour of cardio a day for 14 days to see if it is a simple formula for increased hotness. I’m not sure if it is yet, because it certainly has been a formula for increased eating, but there have been these benefits:

    • It’s a great ritual to start the day when I get up, because it’s a simple directive: put on gym clothes and drive to the gym before doing anything else.
    • Because I have nowhere to go while doing the cardio, there are no distractions so I can think about the activities of the day.
    • It’s not boring because I’ve figured out how to fill the time. I’m using an elliptical machine exclusively, and its smoothness allows me to use an iPad.
    • The intensity and duration have increased my cardiovascular fitness by at least 30 percent over 14 days, so I feel physically good.

    On the downside, I have lost no weight and am still at 200 pounds, which is up 20 pounds from my low of 180 before heading to Taiwan last April.

    I do feel a little thinner, but not appreciably so. I haven’t measured my waist yet and I don’t think I will for another two weeks.

    I’m planning on continuing to do this, because the start of day benefits are worthwhile! Fat loss will be an inevitable side effects.

    I’ll check-in again in mid-July to report if there’s been any change!

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    DSri Seah
  • Weekly Review 0624 – Accepting Imperfection

    June 24, 2019

    Terrible Pineapple Cakes In last week’s report:
    • Recognized that I have too many schedule-interrupting commitments.
    • Accepted even with my reduced goal list, I am still trying to do way more than I can handle.
    • Accepted the reality of my distracted brain. I can’t change it, so let me work with it.
    • Accepted that herding a distracted brain is a full time job, so it is part of the cost of being.
    • Decided that feeling ashamed about it doesn’t help, so to hell with that. Shame doesn’t help me learn or achieve.
    • Remembered my main strategic goal is to make new works to share with people, because sharing makes me happy and creates pathways to interesting opportunities.

    With regards to making progress on my work and my Groundhog Day Resolutions goals, it’s been slow going. Partly this is because I’ve been building new processes to help manage my distracted nature; the idea is to have a solid foundation and realistic ways to track progress without it all being too overwhelming to remember. But have I made anything and shared it? No. Let’s break it down. (more…)

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    DSri Seah
  • Will an Hour of Cardio Every Day Make Me Hot?

    June 24, 2019

    I’m running a personal experiment to see if “an hour of cardio a day” will result in an increase in my physical attractiveness, AKA HOTNESS. I’ve always been overweight, though I’ve slimmed down more in the past year. I’m at the point where I want to start wearing more interesting fashionable clothes, and my options would increase if I lost more inches off my middle.

    An hour of cardio on the elliptical is about what I can manage at the moment, though I was loathe to devote “so much time” to a boring activity. But to become hotter is a compelling goal for me right now, so I’m running a 14 day experiment to see what additional spiciness I could attain. I like the idea of a simple activity that results in hotness, rather than a more complicated routine. I’m not interested in developing muscle mass at all. I want to be leaner and more evenly shaped in the middle.

    In the past I’ve done challenges for 15-30 minutes of high intensity cardio a few times per week over a period of several months. The improvement in my cardiovascular endurance was notable. How would an hour every day compare?


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    DSri Seah
  • Weekly Review 0617 – Working without Shame

    June 16, 2019

    Time for a weekly update on GROUNDHOG DAY RESOLUTIONS progress!

    In my June Report my take-away was that I should remember to stay focused on creating shareable works as my primary productivity metric. I completely failed to do that, and the week itself was not productive. The issues were too many personal commitments and an ear infection; it was extremely difficult to stay focused, and what little focus I had was inadequate to start major projects.

    I have antibiotics for the ear infection so that’s resolving, but reducing personal commitments was not as straightforward. I am testing a couple of adjustments:

    1. I will brutally limit schedule-interrupting commitments. I used to schedule them when I saw a clear slot in the next week, and this resulted in having too many interruptions to anticipate. It’s hard for me to focus when there is an upcoming event. Also, a quirk of my brain is that such interactions cause 6-8 hours of unproductive recovery time. My brain is too noisy and distracted processing the events that transpired. There really isn’t much I can do about it; it’s just the way my brain works.

    2. The second adjustment is accept the reality of my quirky brain. That means acknowledging that I live with ADHD Introvert tendencies. I have the ADHD pattern of needing stimulating input for my brain to start working. I have the introvert pattern of being drained by interactions with people, but paradoxically it is talking to people about what I’m working on that gives me the motivation to do work. These conflicting requirements are difficult to balance!

    There are a few additional principles that may help keep me positive despite feeling less powerful:

    • I can accept the acknowledgement of my limits without guilt or shame. I think this is really important. Ordinarily I feel bad about not measuring up to my performance goals, not to mention putting the work into having quality relationships with people. I periodically feel terrible about not being able to self-motivate on command. These negative emotions don’t serve a useful purpose; accepting them matter-of-factly as the conditions of my reality and getting on with it seems healthier.

    • I can accept that maintaining my “best working condition” is time-consuming and difficult. With my ADHD Introvert qualities, it’s hard for me to stay focused on tasks that don’t naturally give me energy. When I don’t have energy, then my ability to work without distraction is tremendously limited. I’ve tried for 25 years to get around it, and when I’m effective it’s because I also have all the resources I need. When those resources aren’t naturally in my day-to-day work, I have to engage in the work of maintaining them. I need stimulating input, a community of like-minded competent peers, and an abundance of time to myself to even begin to do the difficult work.

    Finally, I must remember that my strategic goal is to make new works to share with people. I believe that works I can create and share are the value that is within my power to create. Sharing these works is my preferred way to find new friends and generate income. If I am not sharing my works with people, I am not on the path to success.

    I’ve added this to the GHDR 2019 Page, but I have trouble remembering to stay on track, so I’ve taped this sign to my laptop:

    "June GHDR Guidance" Hope it works! Will check in next week with a report.
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    DSri Seah