2011 Concrete Goals Tracker Updates
The third update of this year’s Printable CEO™ forms is the Concrete Goals Tracker (CGT). It’s completely redrawn to...
2011 Emergent Task Timer Updates
The second update of this year’s Printable CEO forms is the Emergent Task Timer (ETT). It’s completely redesigned, and...
2011 Emergent Task Planner Updates
I’ve started the long update procedure for the 2011 Printable CEO form updates, beginning with the ever-popular Emergent Task...
A Restatement of Purpose
Hello world! I’ve been sick for the past three weeks, having succumbed to either closet dust on my winter...
New Version of the Compact Calendar for 2011
I’ve uploaded the updated Compact Calendar for 2011 to its own special page. For those of you who haven’t...
Special Holiday Offer on Printed Emergent Task Planner Pads
I happened to notice the other day that there is a “promotions manager” on Amazon.com’s store manager, and I...
Groundhog Day Resolution Review Day 11/11/2010
SUMMARY: A quick recap of the past month’s Groundhog Day Resolutions progress.
Testers Wanted for Smaller Emergent Task Planner Design
There are two new form factors for the Emergent Task Planner: half-size A5 and quarter-size A6. I actually accidentally...
Seeking Resistance
I’ve been holed up in my basement doing some custom WordPress theme modification for the past couple of weeks,...
The Mutual Exclusivity of Wanting versus Doing
SUMMARY: The deep needs and desires of my psyche are the ultimate criteria for assessing my current state of...