Three Notebook-based Task Systems
With the new year comes the desire to break-in a new notebook with the fanciest of pens! Well, maybe...
Productivity Tools Review: Dave’s Basics
As we get ready for the new year, we tell ourselves that we’d like to be more organized and...
Feedback Request: What Do You Want in a Word Tracking Calendar?
I’ve had several requests for a full year word-tracking calendar based on the National Novel Writing Month Tracking Calendar...
365-Day ETP Almanac for 2014 Now Available!
I spent a good part of this weekend updating the downloadable “ETP Almanac”, a version of the popular Emergent...
Compact Calendar 2014 Update Available
The 2014 Compact Calendar is now available. I thought I had updated earlier, but apparently that was only in...
November’s Game is The Minimalism Game
I found out about The Minimalism Game catching up on Colleen Wainwright’s Facebook page, upon which she had posted...
Reclaiming Shelves Part 2 and Ongoing Clutterbusting
Last weekend I spent time decluttering my livingroom, which doubles as my office, into a more livable space. It...
Weekend Project: Reclaiming Shelves
I’m not particularly happy in my home office even though it is located in my living room. Although it’s...
NaNoWriMo 2013 November Word Counting Calendar
Hey Wrimos! You can download the most recent version at my Nanowrimo Calendar Page! While I am not participating...
Working More Slowly: Patching Leaky Motivation
This is a continuation, of sorts, of last week’s Working More Slowly: Preliminary Observations post. I had hoped to...