A Script + A Surprise Intro Video (GHD044-45)
Thursday I’m posting TWO updates for today and Friday, because they are linked together: I thought it would be...
Screencast of Adding Patreon Widget to Blog (GHD043)
Wednesday 6AM! I spent a bunch of hours setting up Open Broadcaster Studio on the Macintosh, and then tried...
Screencasting Test, Long Form (GHD042)
Wow, I’m running a day behind on these posts! Last night was another long one as I attempted to...
Patreon Page and Clarified Mission (GHD041)
Several months ago I got an email from a reader inquiring whether I had a donation page. I didn’t,...
Super Accidental Creative Business Brainstorming Day (GHD040)
I have been feeling jittery for the past several days, feeling the desire to work on projects while simultaneously...
Music And Friends Day (GHD039)
Friday was a rest and recovery day, starting with a Korean food expedition and culminating with Piano Karaoke in...
Porting Code Finale! (GHD038)
After Wednesday’s megabinge on coding, I took Thursday slowly after waking up quite late. I ported the old game...
Rebuilding Code for Engine 1401A1 (GHD037)
Wednesday was an even longer day than Tuesday. I just finished a 20-hour programming push to rebuild my Javascript...
Javascript Code Sprints and Broken Printers (GHD036)
Tuesday was a very long day of kicking off a major coding sprint; I’m just wrapping it up at...
Modeling Revenue and Profit (GHD035)
After yesterday’s card reading, I got to thinking about the products I sell on Amazon. Currently, there are only...