June 7, 2019
GHDR 2019 June Review: Diagnosing the need to “Chill Out”
June 7, 2019It’s time for my fourth progress report for Groundhog Day Resolutions (GHDR) 2019! In my last report and its...
May 5, 2019
GHDR 2019 May Review: Reacquiring Focus
May 5, 2019It’s time for the third goal review for 2019, aka Groundhog Day Resolutions Review (AKA GHDR)! I’ve been feeling...
April 15, 2019
Weekly Review 0415 – Autopilot Engaged for Working Vacation Time!
April 15, 2019I am about to go into WORKING VACATION TRAVEL MODE while I am away from home visiting my dad...
April 8, 2019
GHDR 2019 April Review Part II: Unexpectedly Undramatic
April 8, 2019Hey everyone, I’m following-up on Part 1 of the April 4 Review, today while also combining the week review...
April 4, 2019
GHDR 2019 April Review Part I: Looking Back to Look Forward
April 4, 2019Happy Groundhog Day Resolutions Review Day!!! This week I made a promise to myself to stop working by 630PM...
April 2, 2019
Weekly Review 0402 – One Project Closes, Five More Begin
April 2, 2019Hey, this is a late review of the week March 25-31, 2019. I’m going to add a WIN /...