Past Work

  • Crixa (1995-1996)

    September 3, 2004

    The work of many people, my first real project, many lessons learned and things to share. Qualia Games was...

    DSri Seah
  • Qualia (1994-1997)

    September 3, 2004

    Qualia Games was the game company founded by my high school buddy Mark Kern. Nasal Wars Nasal Wars was...

    DSri Seah
  • DuelTris (1992)

    September 3, 2004

    DuelTris was a game for the Apple IIGS, a 16-bit computer that was somewhat popular from 1986-1990. I met...

    DSri Seah
  • Star Reach (1993)

    September 3, 2004

    First commercial artist gig for a game, arranged through buddy Mark who did the 3D ship modeling. We did...

    DSri Seah
  • RIT CGD (1994-1995)

    September 3, 2004

    After getting out of Electrical Engineering, I headed to Art School at Rochester Institute of Technology. They waived the...

    DSri Seah
  • Method Software (1997)

    September 3, 2004

    Method Software The user interface and code was written in Java / IFC to integrate with Method’s chatroom engine....

    DSri Seah