
  • Hamburger Variations

    April 18, 2005

    Robert forwarded me a couple links related to McDonalds marketing to Asians Pacific Islander Americans. It’s bizarre. Very Bizarre....

    DSri Seah
  • A New Hope

    April 8, 2005

    May 19th is almost here! That’s the day when the last installment of George Lucas’ second trilogy, Star Wars...

    DSri Seah
  • Choco Wars!

    April 6, 2005

    As previously reported, I have been held in thrall by the Starbucks Chantico™ chocolate beverage. They call it a...

    DSri Seah
  • Artichoke Season

    April 5, 2005

    On a whim, I bought an artichoke from the supermarket. I dimly remember having one when I was a...

    DSri Seah
  • NYC, Pizza and Complaints

    April 1, 2005

    My sister sent me a link to this blog, Eat Drink One Woman. Informative with a healthy dose of...

    DSri Seah
  • Day Two is the Hardest

    March 31, 2005

    On Tuesday I essentially started a calorie-counted low-carb diet. I threw out my box of Cheez-Its (the best damn...

    DSri Seah