
  • Thing-a-Day 03: Decluttering System

    November 3, 2014

    Decluttering System

    Monday was very chilly, and I decided to stay in. Looking around, I felt that the space was sucking vast amounts of energy out of me because it is not pleasant. If I want to sit down, there’s always something in the way. If I want to spread out and think, there’s junk on all the tables and couches. I will go to Starbucks and work there because it’s easy to go to and ignore the problem at home, but TODAY I am putting some time into fixing it.

    Si after doing a little bit of work, I switched to the decluttering task, which produced today’s “thing”…a diagram of where things should go:


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    DSri Seah
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    November 3, 2014
    DSri Seah
  • Thing-a-Day 02: Quick Business Card Refresh

    November 2, 2014

    Quick Business Cards

    Today’s Commentary

    It feels good to be making things again, quickly and without a lot of agonizing over how the work might come out. Today’s project is a good example of something quick that I wanted to do: new business cards. The entire day up to around 7PM felt kind of wasted, but producing something and sending it to printer felt GOOD.

    Today’s product isn’t a downloadable thing, unfortunately, but perhaps the process of making it will be an interesting read! (more…)

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    DSri Seah
  • Thing-a-Day 01: Numbers version of Compact Calendar

    November 1, 2014

    Numbers Compact Calendar

    Today’s Commentary

    I got started on my product for the day rather late, but this was due to starting a couple of positive things in the morning! First, I assembled a new storage shelf for the basement, which doubles my shoebox filing capacity. Then I started doing a big sort of the junk that clutters my upstairs office. The goal: come up with the minimum set of everyday goodies that I need, and then file the rest of it by collection. The bigger goal is to clear out the living room completely so I can finally redo the floors for the Living Room Cafe Project. It feels good to get these things unstuck!

    Today’s Product

    Anyway, today’s project was the conversion of the Compact Calendar from Microsoft Excel to Numbers, Apple’s spreadsheet program.

    • Download Numbers Version of Compact Calendar 2014 The formulas in Excel don’t match one-for-one, so I got as far as getting the basic layout working with autoformatting and automatic recalculation. I had to take a different approach to get it to work, and I don’t have hobbies or month delineation working yet, but it’s usable!

    About this Article Series

    I'm challenging myself to create something new every day for the month of November 2014! The November Challenge Page lists everything in one place...check it out!

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    DSri Seah
  • November Challenge: 30 Days of Product Making

    October 31, 2014

    I’m in a kind of productivity lull. I am managing only to get a few things done every day as my energy levels have faded. I’m not sure what causes it—it may be some variation of Seasonal Affective Disorder Syndrome (SADS)—but I can describe the feeling: it’s a lack of excitement or anticipation regarding the future.

    In the past I have tried a bunch of attitude-improving tricks alongside “epic projects” that I hoped would jack my energy levels up. They work for a time, but invariably they come to an end. This year, I’m of the mind that it just might be a seasonal lull that’s natural; is it even possible to be excited all the time? Maybe I need these lulls to appreciate excitement!

    Details follow! (more…)

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    DSri Seah