
  • Fabulous Propaganda Piece

    October 13, 2004

    Click meEver the discerning provocateur, Duncan directed my attention to this fantastic bit of 2d/3d work. It’s 3D integrated with 2D design and typography, and the timing and sound work are great…props to the creators (credits are at the end of the Quicktime).

    Warning: If you’re a George W. supporter, you might not enjoy this too much…you should go hire a top motion graphics house and fight back! :-)

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    DSri Seah
  • Which Peanuts Character Are You?

    October 12, 2004

    Quizilla ResultI took the quiz at quizilla, and I’m Rerun. Who is Rerun?

    UPDATE: My sister, who has an incredible memory for detail, reminds me that “Rerun is Lucy and Linus’s little brother, who looks just like Linus…that’s why they call him Rerun.”

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    DSri Seah
  • Shaped by Sound

    October 12, 2004

    Jeff B points out this handy glossary of CB talk. This is jargon that’s designed to not only be intelligible over the airwaves, but to sound cool at the same time. Awesome!

    I also keep a printout of a phonetic alphabet next to my phone, for those times when I need to spell things out: “Send that attention to: David Seah SIERRA ECHO ALFA HOTEL”. For extra fun, use the silent phonetic alphabet instead: “That’s X as in SIOUX” :-)

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    DSri Seah
  • Thwarting Image Linking

    October 11, 2004

    A friend of mine has a problem with his images getting linked by bulletin board groupies looking for cool avatar images. Rather than provide their own bandwidth, they deep-link into his site and use his bandwidth. Punks!

    He now has his web server restrict images from being served unless they’re referred to from a local page, but I never knew how to set it up. I just happened to come across the how-to here. The .htaccess changes look like:

        SetEnvIfNoCase Referer "^" local_ref=1
        <filesMatch ".(gif|jpg)">
            Order Allow,Deny
            Allow from env=local_ref

    Haven’t tried it myself yet, but made a note.

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    DSri Seah
  • Mmm, Curry

    October 11, 2004

    Mmm, CurryI love curry, especially the mild Japanese-style curry. Curry is possibly my favorite food even over dark chocolate. Mmm. And I do enjoy my dark chocolate.

    I decided that it would be a good idea to save some money by cooking at home, by preparing huge simmering pots of curry to be eaten over a few days. The cost per prep is about 10 bucks, making 12 servings. The savings would be staggering!

    Curry, MmmOf course, the problem is that I love curry, and end up eating most of it before the day is out. I need to make something disgusting like cold cabbage soup with pickled pigs feet and leeks if this is really going to work.

    On the plus side, I was able to make a banner for the davidocracy section finally. I’m limited somewhat by needing to have whitespace at the top of the image so it fades nicely into the category selector.

    So here are a couple of pictures from the shoot. Yes, I see the smudge on the chopsticks, and it’s driving me nuts; I’m trying not to go back to touch it out ( om mani padme om, etc). I did three different sets with different bowls, shooting about a hundred pics total. Ended up with about 10 to work with. As a bonus, I got to eat each set after I was done shooting it! I’m feeling a little queasy right now.

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    DSri Seah