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- October 13, 2004
October 13, 2004Read moreHere’s a picture of Ekaterina, aka Kate. She was adopted with her brother from Kitty Angels, a no-kill shelter in nearby Tyngsboro, MA. It took her a whole year before she would let me pet her, but she’s friendlier now (if a little overly generous with the paw-swatting).
- October 13, 2004
The Quirky And Alone
October 13, 2004Read moreI was browsing online buddy Tim’s blog for the first time, and found this great link to quirkyalone.net: Quirkyalones are romantics who resist the tyranny of coupledom. […] we are independent-thinking people who would prefer to be open to finding that magical click […] rather than exist in a stifling or unsatisfying romantic relationship.
It’s both serious and silly, which I find automatically appealing. There’s a quiz too; I scored a mere 71, which put me in the “quirkytogether” camp. Which didn’t seem right, so I took the quiz again with a more by-the-spirit interpretation of the questions. This put me nicely in the high 110s…yes!
Tonally, the site reminds me of goths/punks who, as they start to hit their 30s, cover up the tattoos with long sleeves to engage mainline society. There’s even a book, which I promptly added to my Amazon wishlist.
Conceptually, I like the term “quirkyalone” much better than “haplessly single” :)
- October 13, 2004
Fabulous Propaganda Piece
October 13, 2004Read moreEver the discerning provocateur, Duncan directed my attention to this fantastic bit of 2d/3d work. It’s 3D integrated with 2D design and typography, and the timing and sound work are great…props to the creators (credits are at the end of the Quicktime).
Warning: If you’re a George W. supporter, you might not enjoy this too much…you should go hire a top motion graphics house and fight back! :-)
- October 12, 2004
Which Peanuts Character Are You?
October 12, 2004Read moreI took the quiz at quizilla, and I’m Rerun. Who is Rerun?
UPDATE: My sister, who has an incredible memory for detail, reminds me that “Rerun is Lucy and Linus’s little brother, who looks just like Linus…that’s why they call him Rerun.”
- October 12, 2004
Shaped by Sound
October 12, 2004Read moreJeff B points out this handy glossary of CB talk. This is jargon that’s designed to not only be intelligible over the airwaves, but to sound cool at the same time. Awesome!
I also keep a printout of a phonetic alphabet next to my phone, for those times when I need to spell things out: “Send that attention to: David Seah SIERRA ECHO ALFA HOTEL”. For extra fun, use the silent phonetic alphabet instead: “That’s X as in SIOUX” :-)