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- October 20, 2004
October 20, 2004Read moreThis is my sister’s cat, and we all hang out on the holidays. When my sister is around, Audrey is shy and friendly. When she’s not around, Audrey hides from me. When Audrey stayed with me for a week, I had to use a motion-sensitive webcam to verify that she was indeed eating and healthy. But she’s still a good cat despite that.
- October 19, 2004
Big Brother Wants Cheap Gas!
October 19, 2004Read moreDeepak over at Active Edge forwarded me this online report for where to find the cheapest gas in New Hampshire on any given day. Worth a look, fellow Granite Staters!
- October 18, 2004
Abby & Knock
October 18, 2004Read moreLao and Harlan’s adorable Abyssinians stayed over a couple times in 2000 or 2001. Thus began my inching toward the idea of having my own cats; I got a brother and sister cat because it was pretty clear that they kept each other company very well. They are amazing cats, and their coloring matches the couch so well…
- October 18, 2004
Flash Projector Tools
October 18, 2004Read moreToday I was looking into tools for stand-alone Flash applications. I’m dumping the notes here… will clean them up later with my thoughts:
SWF Tools PROJECTOR Tools listing http://www.swftools.com/tools-category.php?cat=290
http://www.multidmedia.com/ Flash Studio PRO v2 $250 Crossplatform (through extra-cost plugin), use fscommands
http://www.northcode.com SWF Studio V2 $139 Crossplatform, uses fscommands
http://www.swfkit.com SWFKit Pro $299 http://www.swfkit.com/swfkit/doc/pro_manual/index.html However, this doesn’t look like it’s native code
http://www.screentime.com mProjector $299 Claims to use http://www.screentime.com/software/mprojector/docs/mWindow18.html
SWF STudio V2 itself is fairly cheap, and explicitly says it supports Z-order. And it’s made in america!
Gotchyas: http://www.martijndevisser.com/archives/000029.php http://www.sti-media.com/blog/archives/2004_08.html http://www.razorberry.com/blog/archives/2004/08/25/swf-2-exe-applications/#more-6 http://flashguru.co.uk/pipermail/extendflash_flashguru.co.uk/20040730/001156.html
Interesting: http://flashguru.co.uk/pipermail/extendflash_flashguru.co.uk/20040730/001156.html
- October 18, 2004
October 18, 2004Read moreJames, sadly, passed away late this year of old age and other complications. He was an awesome cat. When I was crashing in Cambridge at Alen’s place, his cat kept me company while I worked.
This picture is from when James stayed with me years later in New Hampshire, while his owner was away on a trip. The camera was a Canon A50 with a pretty wide-angle lens, so James’ face looks pointier than it really is.