
  • Web Site Undesign

    January 6, 2006

    Live Updates In Progress!

    The old site was based on a modification of the default Movable Type template, which I moved to WordPress 1.1 over a year ago. At the time I wasn’t thinking about advertising at all, so the dimensions of the old site didn’t take banners into account.

    While it would be cool to redesign the site more carefully, it’s also true that time is money. A quick facelift to make the old site “ad unit friendly” gets me going now.


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    DSri Seah
  • My Three Biggest Hurdles

    January 5, 2006

    I’m waiting for some vegetables to boil, and as I survey my living room I can see all the chores I’ve been putting off. Why does this always happen? One of the new things I learned last year was yes, it’s easy to get chores out of the way if you just start picking up one thing and keep going.

    Here’s my three big hurdles. I’m constantly battling them.

    • Keeping a Regular Schedule. I sleep and wake as my interests dictate. Being a freelancer makes this possible. I know when my meetings are and when my projects are due, planning my sleeping cycles around deliverables and conference calls. I also regularize my schedule when working with a team. But for some reason…I just like staying up and up and up until my mind is tired. Then I sleep.
    • Doing Routine Things. There’s an energy-sapping field that I find difficult to cross unless I build up enough momentum to take a flying leap through it. This usually means that discomfort has built up to an intolerable level, which gives me the burst of energy to power through the problem. However, I wish I could just walk through that force field. Household chores, accounting, exercise, diet, and business would be a lot easier.

    • Starting New Projects. It’s weird, but it takes me a long time to start a project. New projects should be fun and exciting! However, I’m just as unmotivated in starting something new and novel as I am doing routine things. Again, wouldn’t it be nice to “just do it”?

    You know, I wrote these down thinking I was procrastinating uselessly. I was going to leave it at that, but I think I can see the pattern… (more…)

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    DSri Seah
  • 2006 Strategy: Meet More People

    January 5, 2006

    NOTE: this entry is part of another article: Converting Resolutions to Actions

    As a freelancer just getting started, my greatest challenge is establishing sustainable income. And for that to happen, more people need to know I exist. But which people, and under what conditions?

    The approach that seems to work for me is building trusting relationships through one-on-one conversation. It’s amazing how many people one can reach through a single contact; I just need to increase the odds of having a good conversations when I’m at my best. So, why not create situations where that’s more likely to happen?

    As an introverted geek, this approach is very appealing to me :-)


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    DSri Seah
  • 2006: Converting Resolutions to Actions

    January 5, 2006

    The year’s gotten off to a slow start, yet I’m already feeling overwhelmed by the number of things that I want to do. There’s lots of new Printable CEO-related material to make, expanding the New Media Group, not to mention the big push to get the software development side of things going!

    I’m feeling really good about all of it, but it’s a lot to do by myself. On top of this, I still need to make money to live. It’s obviously time to step back and do a little “production planning” based on my New Year’s Resolutions.

    This became a bit more complicated than I originally anticipated.


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    DSri Seah
  • Master Replicas Force FX Star Wars Lightsaber

    January 4, 2006

    ForceFX LightsaberFor my birthday, I met up with some friends for Dim Sum at the China Pearl in Woburn. Normally I am a little grouchy on my birthday, but my mood quickly lifted when I saw my present: a Master Replicas ForceFX Star Wars Lightsaber.


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    DSri Seah