
  • Operation Contact

    January 17, 2006

    Yesterday I read Shawn Grime’s post Contact Me, on how difficult it was to find the contact button on some websites. It’s a pet peeve of his. I instantly thought of my own site; my contact information was adrift in a sea of hyperlink blue. Shameful!

    So I made a “Contact Dave” graphic. It’s sticking out like a sore thumb, but in a few days I might think of a better way to integrate it into the overall site design. At least you can see it now.

    The graphic looked lonely all by itself, so I made a “Services” graphics to go with it and reworked the About page. It’s a funny thing, writing about yourself in context of business. I’m never sure exactly what I should say, but I have a good pile of material to work from. It just needs streamlining. Again, better than nothing…?

    I hate the colors, but better than having nothing. And interestingly, I can already feel the burning desire to make real category graphic links to somehow save this floundering visual statement. Making one mark begets another mark, and thus productivity blooms like a thousand ulcers! This shame-driven approach is really working great for me. Ow.

    I am curious whether having a very obvious “contact” and “services” button leads to increased activity along that vector. Does ugly beat out aesthetics? The Great Website Experiment continues!

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    DSri Seah
  • Web Retread Notes

    January 16, 2006

    Some notes on the website restructuring in progress.


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    DSri Seah
  • The Alchemist

    January 16, 2006

    The Alchemist I am apparently the last person on the planet to read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. A good friend of mine sent it to me as a surprise birthday present, and suggested that I read it tonight…

    Have you ever questioned, in the context of your life:

    • What it is that you should be doing?
    • Have you ever had a dream that you’ve never pursued?
    • Have you debated taking that first scary step?
    • Have you made life choices that have gone against conventional wisdom on little more than what your saner friends deride as “wishful thinking?”

    Yes, yes, and yes? This book is quite possibly the story of your life.


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    DSri Seah
  • Archiving My Personal Tags

    January 14, 2006

    When I first started blogging 16 months ago, I was hung up on what categories I should have. I kept adding and removing them until the settled into the list I’ve kept for some time. That set of catagories is, in essence, my own folksonomy, except I’m the only one doing the tagging.

    Very useful in understanding myself, back when I wrote primarily for my own understanding. However, I’m starting to project my energy outwards to see what happens, and I have realized that the old categorization system is not well suited for that. I need to revamp the categorization system so people other than myself can browse the content more easily. That means fewer categories and broader keywords.

    However, since the old category list is an excellent snapshot of my interests, I’m writing it down so I don’t forget.


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    DSri Seah
  • FYI, I am Not Dave Shea

    January 13, 2006

    People who know something about web design sometime stumble upon my site, and send me friendly email to say hi. We have a good conversation, and I think, “Yeah, this Internet thing rules! I’m meeting people who have found something that I’ve written personally relevant!”

    Then they ask me a question about CSS or “my book”. And I realize that once again, I’ve been mistaken for Dave Shea. You know, of Mezzoblue and CSS Zen Garden fame.

    Ay Carumba!

    This has happened one time too many, just a few hours ago. It turns out that this person had even told other people that he’d been “talking to the guy who wrote this book”, as he gestured to a copy of The Zen of CSS Design. I can imagine the tears of disappointment streaming down his cheeks, as he stammers out a retraction to his friends. Here, he thought that Fate herself had smiled upon his condition, dispatching a messenger of standards-compliance and beauty to lift his spirits. Instead, he got me. Oh, the humanity of it all!


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    DSri Seah