
  • Forum Discussion Notes

    April 30, 2006

    UPDATE: If you’ve registered before and wondered what happened, you were not rejected. You probably didn’t get the email automatically mailed to you by the bbs software (spam filtered, maybe). Feel free to contact me to straighten things out.

    Anyway, the second week of the forum has seen the launch a few new subjects, and embellishment on some older ones:

    • 60-second Pitches — Tried writing a few, and others are giving good feedback and writing some of their own. It’s good to be thinking about this stuff.
    • Creating a Revenue Stream Based on Writing — This is evolving into a discussion of what it means to make an exceptional book, and what we mean by exceptional. Someone even quoted The Little Prince…awesome!

    • Virtual Freelancer Umbrella Organization — I’ve heard this idea many times over the years, and I just started a new thread on this to seriously think of what this would actually entail. The idea of a “company” that was comprised of individual contractors working under a common banner is really compelling to the contractor, but realistically it’s hard to sell to prospective companies if you don’t present yourself as a “stable” entity that won’t just disappear.

    • Project: Typography for Personal Mantras — I have six mantras I use for productivity, and for some reason I felt like making some posters based on them. So I’ve posted the three drafts in the forum for critique. Hope to do more of this in the future.

    • Strategies for Finding the Right People — With all the talk about starting companies, collaborating on projects, etc, I was reminded of one of my ongoing quests: finding teams. Where to find them. How to vet them. How to build them. Getting some interesting ideas from other people through this thread.

    • Productivity Issues — We’re just talking about productivity in this thread, and seeing where the conversation goes. It’s always interesting to hear about what other people’s bottlenecks are, and to share our weird personal tips.

    • The University — I’ve started some topics going on research I’m starting, covering “web development”, “ornamental design”, “open source actionscript development”, “book publishing”, and “Rich internat application development”. Right now, it’s just a place for me to maintain some continuity of thought and share some ideas.


    p>In general, the forum launch has provided me with another outlet; it’s a little more intimate and informal than the blog, and it’s cool to know that other people feel comfortable commenting and sharing their own experiences. In a way, it is starting to remind me of a mini-SXSW…each topic is like a panel, except we’re doing the discussion among ourselves.

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    DSri Seah
  • Task Tracker Destruct-o-matic Mashup

    April 29, 2006

    Headlouse has created his own productivity paper tool, incorporating elements of the Task Tracker Destruct-o-Matic and Pocketmod. Dubbed the Disposable Scheduler, it’s designed to be printed out, folded, and carried around with you. As an added bonus, the layout is pretty clean.

    Unsolicited and probably unwanted critique follows: I’d fix the extra space in the subtitle and un-stretch rounded rect above the destruct-o bars, and twiddle the contrast of the text there too, but otherwise it’s pretty close.

    » Check out Headlouse’s Disposable Scheduler V2

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    DSri Seah
  • Are Cool Names Really Cool?

    April 29, 2006

    Nintendo recently announced the name of their next game console. It’s Wii. that’s W followed by two lower-case ‘i’s). Analyst reaction is mixed, but after seeing the little teaser I think it’s kind of cute. And names become cool by association; in marketing, it’s probably better to own the association than to leverage off someone else’s, unless the name is the only way that you can make a connection with the intended audience.

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    DSri Seah
  • Instant Piano

    April 29, 2006

    There’s a piano teaching method called Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People, which is being offered by the Cambridge Center for Adult Education. I’ve been listening to the introductory music lesson podcast by the series creator, Robert Laughlin to get an idea of what I might expect. I like how he describes all the chords in terms of how they sound, and what’s important and what’s not. Also helpful are the various “music theory” resources at

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    DSri Seah
  • May Your Luck Spread

    April 27, 2006

    I saw the following ditty while watching The Food Network: May Your Luck Spread, Like Jelly On Bread. Close your eyes and picture someone making a nice peanut butter and jelly sandwich just for you. What a fantastic bit of imagery…it is a gift of luck!

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    DSri Seah