
  • Groundhog Day Resolution Review 9/9/2009: Life Operating Principles

    September 8, 2009

    SUMMARY: In the 8th “personal goals” review of 2009, I reiterate three guidelines and two mental stances that together, I believe, will be at the core of my ongoing pursuit of personal fulfillment. And, I am finally able to “productize” what I like do in terms that I think the general public will understand.


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    DSri Seah
  • Upcoming Emergent Task Planner Print Run Update

    September 4, 2009

    ETP Version 2 The next round of commercially-printed Emergent Task Planner Pads is almost ready to go to print! I’ve made what I think are improvements the basic design. So what’s new?
    • I moved the day grid back to the left. The reason for this is to make it easier to “half fold” the page when you are using a binder to keep your forms; you can refer to the previous page a little easier. Plus, I have always liked this layout better. I can’t even remember why I changed it before.
    • I’ve removed the references to the A B C D E time boxes, which also simplifies the design of the day grid. The benefits: less confusion about the letters, and more space for writing. There’s a corresponding change in the task trackers; no more mystery letters to mystify the user. If you were using the time boxing concept before, it is still be easy to apply; you just don’t have to deal with the lettering that I came up with before I knew that time boxing was already around.

    • I’ve rewritten the encouraging prompts for the major tasks in a more “practical” tone of voice. I think they’re still supportive (a feature I like about the original form), but now they also provide helpful reminders to watch your energy levels when going for a massive day of (perhaps overoptimistic) productivity.




    ETP Version 1 vs. Version 2

    free versions

    These changes will be propagated to the free downloaded version, of course, when I do the 2010 design refresh. And yes, there will be an A4 version! However, the printed versions I’m making now will still be US Letter (8.5×11) until I figure out how to do fulfillment in Europe.

    colors colors colors

    I’m 70% sure that I will be reprinting the full color design, but I’ve also been looking at single-color versions as a possibility because they look pretty darn good in color. Check it out.

    ETP Color Variations The main difficulty I’m facing is that I don’t know which color to pick. If anyone has a preference, I’m all ears. Just provide a reason if you can. I suppose I am leaning toward the blue one myself.

    going to press

    Yesterday I met with the commercial printer, Papergraphics, and got an account specialist assigned to me to finalize the details of the next print run. I was happy with them last time, and after a brief flirtation with another printer in Manchester ended with my customer service rep taking a job elsewhere, I decided to stick with the local company. Besides, a couple of my friends also use them and have been quite satisfied with the service.

    I’ll be printing another 250 pads in a few weeks, and instead of selling them here on the website, I’ll be using Amazon Marketplace and Fulfillment by Amazon. What this means is that you’ll be able to find and order the pad right on (assuming I’ve set everything up correctly). I plan to write about the setup in a future blog post; it’s actually fairly straightforward once you figure out how to navigate Amazon’s maze of terminology.


    The commercially printed pads will be advertising-free, but to support the development of the current and future forms I’m considering advertising or sponsorship for the free downloadable versions. Stylistically, the advertising might take the form of a single line of text inserted someplace on the form, perhaps near the Notes area. Even then, the eyeball stickiness factor is crazy high because users are actively scanning the form several times a day. If there are advertisers reading this and find the idea intriguing, feel free to contact me and we can start a conversation. If you are a reader that does NOT want to see advertising on these forms, I’d love to hear any rationale against it.

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    DSri Seah
  • The Printable CEO IX: The Plain Old 5-Day Planner

    August 24, 2009

    "The Plain Old 5-Day Planner" In yesterday’s post summarizing the 5 day liveblogging of my day, I made a grid in Excel that to help me visualize not only where the time had gone, but what kind of time it happened to be. This was an interesting exercise, and the shape of it stuck with me as I began this week’s chore of figuring out what I needed to do when. I realized that I could easily adapt the new Emergent Task Planner design (which I haven’t yet released) to a 5-day planning format.

    The 5 Day Planner It’s pretty straightforward, which is why it’s called the “Plain Old 5-Day Planner”. Basic grid paper, downloadable as a PDF. You’ll need something like Adobe Acrobat Reader to print it out. Additionally, for the first time I’m starting to make A4 sizes part of the series. I’ll eventually refresh all the designs in the coming months to include European sizes.


    • Fill in the hours on the left-hand side.
    • Jot down what you need to do, when.
    • Keep notes on the right-hand side.


    » Download the Plain 5-Day Planner US Letter size
    » Download the Plain 5-Day Planner A4 size


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    DSri Seah
  • Liveblogging The Productivity Doldrums Part V: Graphing the Data

    August 22, 2009

    SUMMARY: Last week’s journaling of my day culminates in a color-coded graph that might help me see certain patterns in my day which either contribute to productivity or sap it away.


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    DSri Seah
  • Liveblogging The Productivity Doldrums, Part IV: Social Thursday

    August 20, 2009

    SUMMARY: Another introspective journey into the details of Thursday, which was a very social day, and how I seemed to prioritize people over my own projects. Maybe this isn’t a bad thing. I’m starting to recognize what focus feels like, and think I’m finding a pathway to get to that state through some mental conditioning. We shall see on Friday.


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    DSri Seah