
  • GHDR Weekly Review 6.2 – Compensating for External Motivation

    August 27, 2018

    I’ve been trying to maintain progress on my goals despite a HARD FAIL last week and losing my first draft of this report. The week of August 20 was a mixed bag. While there were several “social wins”, I didn’t make appreciable project on my mail billable tasks. It bothered me that I wasn’t able to make significant headway on them. However, a conversation in our Virtual Coworking Chat got me thinking that maybe effort toward a goal actually counted more than I thought. I firmly believe that meaningful work results only from the production of tangible works that can be shared with others. This underpins my entire creative-productive philosophy strategy! However, until this weekend it wasn’t clear to me that not EVERY hour can be attributed to the the production of a useful artifact. In fact, I was actively thinking that those hours spent producing intangible results were unpleasant inefficiencies to be overcome through process improvement and increased discipline. I have come to believe that this is wrong headed and it just stresses me out for no reason. At least, that is my working theory for the week.

    I am changing my position on productive vs unproductive hours. The time spent lightly exploring without trying to nail down a tangible result IS STILL PRODUCTIVE TIME. It’s enough to just get a SENSE of the task involved without having to NEEDLESSLY FRET about whether I have a solid plan of action right away. In other words, I can give myself the space to approach a task slowly and in layers. My expectation of myself was that (1) I would instantly be able to identify and find a productive course of action that produced intermediate results and that this (2) was proof that I was not an incompetent boob.

    Perhaps I can afford to be kinder to myself. I think that will be the theme of this week! (more…)

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    DSri Seah
  • Using Alfred to Open Sets of Folders Quickly through Javascript

    August 25, 2018

    Finder Lamentations

    I’ve used/owned Macs since the early 1990s, but used Windows PCs for my serious work until 2013. Last week I discovered Spotlight could quickly open and find files for me without having to dig around in the Finder. Since I don’t like the Finder at all, I was very excited by this and marveled that it had taken me so long to discover it. Sharing this sentiment on twitter, I got a couple interesting responses regarding Alfred, a supercharged version of Spotlight:

    I had heard of Alfred before, but had thought it was somehow related to Ask Jeeves, a search engine from the 1990s that did not impress me. I am easily confused by butler-themed software branding, apparently.

    But I digress. In short: Alfred is great. It’s has a lot more features than Spotlight, and I’m only just starting to dig into them. For now, I’m using it to quickly open applications from the keyboard, which has allowed me to declutter my MacOS Dock so only chat apps (Slack, Discord, etc) are there. Previously, my Dock was loaded with the entire Adobe Creative Suite, a dozen development-related programs, and several audio production tools as well. They are now ALL GONE…so much cleaner!

    I wondered if I could use Alfred’s Workflows to automate opening my essential folders. Usually I have to dig through Finder windows (annoying) or use use Default Folder X to jump to it. The problem with using Default Folder X is that it still opens a Finder window (UGH). Could I use Alfred as a better folder shortcut utility with a bit of custom coding? (more…)

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    DSri Seah
  • GHDR Weekly Review 6.1 – Conan and the Common Good

    August 20, 2018

    This is the first weekly review following my last Groundhog Day Resolutions Monthly Report #6 on August 8. I had set some goals that seemed pretty achievable at the time:

    • Start using THEMED WORK BLOCKS, which is focused work on a single project at a time. Since I had just finished a major delivery, I thought I had a couple of weeks to work in my important personal projects.
    • I had designated KM/SSG as the theme for this work block. I figured I could use 10 days on this, getting back into the crunch mindset I had described in . This is a hybrid digital workflow/website publishing system to replace multiple thinking/writing tools I use.
    • Additionally, I would allow opportunistic projects to happen so long as they did not require any planning. They had to be instant and in the moment, with a clear result at the end of the project that could be entered in my Accrual Log.

    That ALL GOT TOSSED last week, and I got nothing done. I was feeling pretty terrible about myself today until I started to look deeper at my expectations and the video game CONAN: EXILES. (more…)

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    DSri Seah
  • 2018 Goals Review 06 Part II: Staying on Target with Themed Work Blocks

    August 10, 2018

    Staying on Target In Part I of this month’s Groundhog Day Resolutions review I talked about the tantalizing possibilities of detoxifying crunch time as a way of battling my tendency to be bored with “slow-and-steady” approaches to work. I think slow-and-steady (SaS) DOES work, but it doesn’t come easily. I tell myself that SaS works because (1) learning takes time and (2) figuring out how to make something complicated that works well takes even more time. There is no avoiding that, I might as well embrace SaS and be happy because I AM SO WISE…?

    Bah! In my heart I know SaS sucks. Accepting it doesn’t mean I have to like it as is. What is missing is the sense of excitement and adventure:

    • I myself don’t have to be slow and even-tempered even when I have to let things take the time they need.
    • I can look for opportunities to elevate the drama of the process, converting “slow and steady” to “simmering and sizzling” instead.
    • If there is a chance to include other people in the epic challenge, then that’s even better!

    That seems MUCH MORE to my liking! So let’s see what I can do with that idea in Part II of my Groundhog Day Resolutions Report for August 2018! (more…)

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    DSri Seah
  • 2018 Goals Review 06 Part I: Brutal Focus and Crunch Mode

    August 10, 2018

    New Horizons in Conan:Exiles In the video game world of CONAN: EXILES, you are given but one directive: SURVIVE. The way I feel about the game is a good match for my working mood. About 14 days ago I put myself into Programmer Autistic Mode to get over a critical code milestone, which involves blocking all other projects and social obligations. It’s similar to crunch time/crunch mode but without the extended forced labor that goes with it in the video game industry. Personally, I love the stark clarity of being in the crunch—MAKE FEATURE! CODE WHAT IS NECESSARY! SURVIVE!—but there are social costs that I have to account for.

    I just finished my crunch mode yesterday, and now I have time for sixth monthly review of my 2018 Groundhog Day Resolutions. As with every monthly review, I want to see if I’m on-track with the personal goals I set on February 2nd. It seems that while I’m pretty good at the process of conducting these reviews, I’m not particularly good at meeting the goals themselves. This recent work push, though, may have given me a clue on how to approach them.

    Since this analysis got so long, I’m going to break it into two parts. This part talks mostly about being in my version of CRUNCH MODE for a couple of weeks, and what I might learn from it. Part II is the actual report. (more…)

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    DSri Seah