
  • Prioritization 1: Overcoming Resentment

    June 14, 2020

    In the last entry on how no goal tracking 2020 was proceeding, I noted that I was feeling exhausted and resentful. This is despite the overall success of singular focus (see 2020 process page) with respects to my project work. Everything seems to be relatively under control, and I feel good about my progress.

    What I failed to account for were distractions and setbacks that were OUTSIDE of my control. Meeting the needs of these activities depleted my already limited stockpiles of disciplined energy, and over time my reserve had been overdrawn. I got angry about it, but had no where to put it. No one to blame. This anger festered until I crashed hard, and had to put myself into HERMIT MODE to catch up on work and do a bit of thinking. (more…)

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    DSri Seah
  • GHDO for June 6: Hitting the Limits of “Singular Focus 1.0”

    June 6, 2020

    "Groundhog Day Do Over: Hard Crash" Current events make my “Not Groundhog Day Resolutions” report seem like a distraction from the core issues that people have on their mind, so I’ll keep this draft as short as possible.


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    DSri Seah
  • GHDO for May 5: The Single Focus Distraction Stratagem

    May 5, 2020

    Groundhog Day Do Over: Equilibrium Hiya hi! It’s MAY 5TH, which means it’s time for another (NOT) Groundhog Day Resolution Review or Groundhog Day Do-Overs (GHDO) which is how I’m tagging them. This is a year of ALTERNATIVE GOAL SETTING APPROACHES!

    In this month’s report, I’m happy to say that I seem to be doing OK with the trackerless approach I’m taking this year. I’m excited to share the insights of the past month! (more…)

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    DSri Seah
  • Patterns: Having a Daily Routine

    April 10, 2020


    This question popped up in #talk_productivity today regarding daily planning workflow:

    I’m a HUGE nerd and would love to see what everyone’s daily planning workflow looks like. Right now I am using a LOT of tools (Emergent Task Planner paper, BUJO, Todoist etc) to keep track of multiple projects and multiple meetings and personal and professional todos, and it’s been SUPER overwhelming :weary:. I have a lot of random admin tasks that pop up during the day as well. My daily planning right now takes like >1 hour, so something def needs to get tweaked. I’ve been watching some of the old Youtube co-working sessions to see if I could have some clues on how you plan your day @Dave.Sri Seah, but I haven’t been able to get a good look at it yet.

    A big problem I have is following up on random tasks that get added during the day (like emails etc) and also noting where I’ve left off on projects. I have pretty severe ADHD despite having a PhD and it’s been very difficult. Love this community and super appreciate if anyone minds showing me what their workflow looks like :watermelon:

    Since I love a good “two for one”, I’m using this question as a prompt to start thinking about ThinkPub2020. I will be updating this entry as time goes on.


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    DSri Seah
  • 2020 Challenge: Bootstrapping a New Think-Write-Publish System

    April 6, 2020

    I’ve been super-frustrated with my blogging for years because I feel there is a lot of friction between tools I use for my thinking processes and the publishing platforms where I post them. The friction largely is keeping track of everything so I can find them later, then remembering what to do next. I have been trying to think of how to fix my blog for many years, and realized today that bootstrapping the new system from the current WordPress site could actually work. To make it more exciting for me, I’m going to use my personal challenge blogging format from a few years ago; the Thing-a-Day 2014 challenge was exhausting but very satisfying.

    System Description

    So what is the Think-Write-Publish System Challenge? It’s my desire to have an integrated idea-to-production system that works the way I think and make. In general, all my thinking starts with a lot of writing. Even my visual design work starts with an essay! (more…)

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    DSri Seah