
  • Prioritization 3: Hormones, Carbs, and Creative Bubbles

    June 27, 2020

    "Excerpt from 'The Creative Habit'" It’s the third week of learning how to focus on-demand, and it’s still been tough going. Last week I struggled with feeling like a jerk as I tried to prioritize my time needs over others. I didn’t feel so bad about that this week, but it still wasn’t great. It was downright depressing toward the end, in fact. That said, some interesting patterns have started to emerge. (more…)
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    DSri Seah
  • Prioritization 2: Prioritizing without Being a Jerk About It?

    June 20, 2020

    This is the second follow-up to the June “Not Groundhog Day Resolutions” Report, where I admitted I was feeling exhausted and resentful about my lack of progress. A week later I checked-in to see if the countermeasures I’d tried worked; largely I was feeling more in control of my situation, but there were some lingering frustrations.

    This week, the resentment and rage flared up again. (more…)

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    DSri Seah
  • Prioritization 1: Overcoming Resentment

    June 14, 2020

    In the last entry on how no goal tracking 2020 was proceeding, I noted that I was feeling exhausted and resentful. This is despite the overall success of singular focus (see 2020 process page) with respects to my project work. Everything seems to be relatively under control, and I feel good about my progress.

    What I failed to account for were distractions and setbacks that were OUTSIDE of my control. Meeting the needs of these activities depleted my already limited stockpiles of disciplined energy, and over time my reserve had been overdrawn. I got angry about it, but had no where to put it. No one to blame. This anger festered until I crashed hard, and had to put myself into HERMIT MODE to catch up on work and do a bit of thinking. (more…)

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    DSri Seah
  • GHDO for June 6: Hitting the Limits of “Singular Focus 1.0”

    June 6, 2020

    "Groundhog Day Do Over: Hard Crash" Current events make my “Not Groundhog Day Resolutions” report seem like a distraction from the core issues that people have on their mind, so I’ll keep this draft as short as possible.


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    DSri Seah
  • GHDO for May 5: The Single Focus Distraction Stratagem

    May 5, 2020

    Groundhog Day Do Over: Equilibrium Hiya hi! It’s MAY 5TH, which means it’s time for another (NOT) Groundhog Day Resolution Review or Groundhog Day Do-Overs (GHDO) which is how I’m tagging them. This is a year of ALTERNATIVE GOAL SETTING APPROACHES!

    In this month’s report, I’m happy to say that I seem to be doing OK with the trackerless approach I’m taking this year. I’m excited to share the insights of the past month! (more…)

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    DSri Seah