1000 Posts

1000 Posts

Today I’ve hit the 1000 published post milestone…yay! That marks 25.5 months of (mostly) continuous blogging. I’m curious where the energy has gone, so I compiled some quick stats. It occurs to me that having 1000 posts is not unlike folding 1000 cranes, so I think I’ll make a wish at the end of this post.


Excepting Quick Posts (100 entries), here’s where I’ve written the most. This 25% accounts for 50% of posting categories.

  1. Productivity (106 posts)
  2. Development – Gweeping (77)
  3. Personal – Gawking (68)
  4. Design – Inspiration (66)
  5. Personal – Blogging (58)
  6. Personal – Encounters (57)
  7. Personal – Food (52)
  8. Personal – Introspection (50)
  9. Freelancing (44)
  10. Flash (40)

The full list of categories is at the end of this post.


The first year I was blogging, I wrote about a lot more personal things. The mix of topics has shifted somewhat as I’ve found my groove. My favorite entries seem to cluster into the following categories, listed here in no particular order.

I’m not sure what exactly this says about me, but there might be some hint in there about something. I wonder if this could help me target the right career path?


There are several categories I write less frequently, but still enjoy:

  • This Rocks (the world is full of cool people!)
  • Booty (as in “stuff I want to buy”)
  • Storybits (it’s tough to be creative, so I share the pain)
  • Retail (who doesn’t love the shopping experience?)
  • SXSW (attending South By SouthWest Interactive was a great experience)

Of course, everything I’ve written I still like, or at least don’t feel compelled to apologize for :-)


For completeness, here’s a list of all the categories and their subcategories. I used to list this on the right sidebar, but it’s so long that I decided to list only the top-level categories.

Note: about 20% of my posts are in multiple categories, so the total count here is 1275.

Category #posts Description
Dave Info 6 Biographical Info
Design 21 Thoughts on design
Design Challenge 10 Challenging myself
Flash 40 Flash development & technique
Graphics 15 interesting techniques I’ve seen
Inspiration 66 delightful and uplifting
Portfolio 13 old stuff, portfolio is now on [Flickr][flickr].
Storytelling 21 Stories and story thoughts.
Development 21 software engineering thoughts
Gweeping 77 nerdy tech things
Programming 25 reflections on code
Freelancing 44 about making a living
Ideas 39 career-related thoughts
Patterns 29 details that infer greater things
Questions 11 work-related pondering
Tools 26 work-related tools
Trends 7 broader patterns in work
Tricks 29 work-related tips
Learning 2 education, cognition
Personal 19 purely personal stuff
Artsy 21 my occasional artistic attempts
Blogging 58 my blogging experiences
Booty 27 things I want
Cats 34 yes, more cat pictures
Editorial 10 the occasional opinion
Encounters 57 people I’ve met
– – SXSW 15 …at SXSW
Food 52 things to eat w/ pics
Gawking 68 attention-capturing experiences
Geeky 39 nerdy, nerdy indulgences
Introspection 50 self-analysis mode
Regional 27 New England stuff
Retail 8 shopping experiences
Silly 2 nonsensical posts
Storybits 3 creative story fragments
Suckage 17 things that tick me off
This Rocks 36 the world is awesome
Productivity 106 tapping potential
Being Positive 11 pursuit of happiness
Making Stuff 10 the creative act
Pickle Jar 3 ideas to save
QuickPosts 100 snippets of interest

Making a Wish

I want to overcome my fears so I can achieve the success that is right for me and my circle of friends. So my wish is this:

That I am astute and motivated so I can clear my head and act on the opportunities that avail themselves.

From that, I think good things will come. Thanks, everyone, for reading my words for the past two years.


  1. Glenn Wolsey 18 years ago

    Great stuff Dave! Keep up the great work.


  2. Edrei 18 years ago

    Nice stuff…what about your favourite posts rather than categories then? :)

  3. Dave Seah 18 years ago

    Thanks guys!

    Edrei: I actually have a bunch of favorite posts listed in the sidebar. It’s not up to date, but it’s a good start :-)

  4. Marcel Widmer 18 years ago

    Thanks a thousand times for your great posts with so many great ideas :-)

  5. Nick 18 years ago

    Congratulations on 1000 posts!  Quite an accomplishment.

    You also have over 1853 readers.. you’re doing a great job and your readers will attest :)

    “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” – Chinese Proverb

    Your tree is planted and you’ve been taking great care of it. :)

    Here’s to another 1000 posts and more shade from your tree for us to sit under.

  6. Joan 18 years ago

    May you go from strength to strength.