November 28, 2011
2012 Compact Calendar Updates
November 28, 2011I’ve just updated the USA Compact Calendar for 2012. It’s the same “Candy Bar of Time” you know and...
November 8, 2011
New ETP Translations for Review
November 8, 2011I’m trying to power through some dormant projects today. First up: Translations of the ETP. One of the difficult...
November 4, 2011
Rebuilding Big Pictures
November 4, 2011Lately I’ve been feeling that there too many things going on that I’m not tracking. I’d hoped to have...
November 2, 2011
Collecting Effort like Rainwater
November 2, 2011SUMMARY: Although I didn’t know it when I started, the addition of sub-blogs to collect my thoughts into topical...
October 18, 2011
Compact Calendar Gadget for Windows 7 by Bob Webb
October 18, 2011I received an unexpected delight in my email this afternoon from reader Bob Webb, who’s created a Windows 7...
September 22, 2011
Help Me Pick Some Products, Please!
September 22, 2011Got a quick question for anyone who’s reading regarding print on demand: Which PCEO forms would you like to...