
  • Finding Good Food

    July 13, 2005

    Some friends sent me some interesting food-related resources: From Diane comes this article on the world’s top 50 restaurants,...

    DSri Seah
  • A Visit to TechSpace

    July 7, 2005

    Today we had a special meeting of our New Media Group at David Kelleher’s office. He has space at...

    DSri Seah
  • Mr. Bartley’s Burger Cottage

    June 30, 2005

    At long last, Jeff and I visited Mr. Bartley’s Burger Cottage in Harvard Square. It’s right on Mass Ave,...

    DSri Seah
  • Burger Week

    June 28, 2005

    Tomorrow I’m going to Mr. Bartley’s Burger Cottage in Harvard Square to sample their famous burgers. I had a...

    DSri Seah
  • Not Your Average Joe’s

    June 28, 2005

    I’ve been to Not Your Average Joe’s a couple of times now for lunch, and both times I’ve had...

    DSri Seah
  • Klondike Choco Taco

    June 26, 2005

    I was at the local 7-11 to get a Slurpee®, only to find that the store was closing for...

    DSri Seah