November 8, 2009
Git Setup Notes
November 8, 2009The development team is doing a test deployment of the source control system Git. The advantages of Git are...
November 7, 2009
Agenceum Update
November 7, 2009It’s been less than a week since we’ve launched Agenceum. We’re operating in stealth mode, quietly getting up to...
November 6, 2009
Business Plan 001
November 6, 2009Business plans are supposed to explain how our specific actions today will result in measurable profits tomorrow. They state...
November 6, 2009
Startup Mode: Engaged!
November 6, 2009Since launching this project, I’ve had a couple unpleasant dreams involving failure and ridicule by people close and far...
November 5, 2009
Hello world!
November 5, 2009This is the current home of the “open design studio” that I’ve been yammering about over on davidseah.com. I’m...
April 6, 2008
Inadvertent Branding
April 6, 2008I get asked about once a month about the whiskey and scotch image banner that is featured at the...