
  • Joi on Bamboo Shoots

    May 11, 2005

    Visit Site I like bamboo shoots, but never really knew where they came from. I saw a link to Joi Itoi’s takenoko how-to photo set on Boing Boing. Looks delicious.
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    DSri Seah
  • A History of the GUI

    May 10, 2005

    This article on ArsTechnica describes the history of the Graphical User Interface, from its inception by Douglas Englebart in 1962 to present day.

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    DSri Seah
  • Creating Passionate Users

    May 10, 2005

    Brad forwarded me this link to Creating Passionate Users, a neat blog from the people who created the Head First series of computer books; I’d picked up one of them before. The blog itself covers a lot of issues relating to design and user experience: topics I am very interested in these days.

    Visit Site Specifically, Brad forwarded this post on The Difference Between Japan and US, which showed an ugly U.S. manhole cover versus a cool Japanese example:
    Beauty and attention to design detail… everywhere I turned during my two week stay (Tokyo and Kyoto), I saw it. Every–and I mean every Japanese restaurant (including the fast-food sushi joints) had an architectural bent. A sense of style. An aesthetic sensibility you just don’t see throughout the US!

    Check it out.

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    DSri Seah
  • Zippiness & Perceived Wit

    May 9, 2005

    I came across a newspaper article called Did You Catch That. The gist is that some of us are talking too fast for other people to understand. For many people, quickness of speech is associated with quick thinking. So those fast-talking New Yorkers tend to look at Midwesterners as plodding bumpkins instead of thoughtfully intelligent. Conversely, the Midwesterners don’t think that highly of fast-talking either.

    And internationally, it seems that slower-speaking people end up being the butt of jokes. From the article:

    All over the world, speakers from some geographic regions tend to speak more slowly than those from others. And in every country that has been studied, people from the slower-speaking regions are stereotyped as stupid. This pattern was uncovered by Finnish linguists Jaakko Lehtonen and Kari Sajavaara, who had reason to be interested because Finns are thought to be slow and dull by neighboring Swedes. Lehtonen and Sajavaara suspected that the Finns’ characteristically slower rate of speech — and greater use of silence — might have something to do with the stereotype. So they investigated and found similar attitudes where one ethnic or regional group tends to speak more slowly than others: in Germany with East Frisians, in French attitudes toward Belgians, among the Swiss toward residents of Berne or Zurich, and among Finns themselves toward their compatriots from a region called Häme (pronounced HAH-may).

    I had always wondered why the Belgians got made fun of in Europe, having first become aware of this in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Finally I know why!

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    DSri Seah
  • Oddworld Exxodus

    May 9, 2005

    Visit Site I was visiting Don a couple weeks ago, and he showed me a new video game he’d gotten for his XBox: Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath.

    It looks phenomenal. The screen shots don’t do the game justice. Not only is the CG work incredible…the characterization is equally amazing. It’s so good, it hurts…I want to buy an XBox just to look at this game.

    Every object, character, and item oozes with it, which is pretty much what I would expect from Oddworld Inhabitants, creators of the game. They’ve been doing fantastic work for ten years; I should really buy their art book. There’s also a good selection of their past work at the Oddworld Universe.

    Somewhat shocking is that Oddworld has closed its doors! The president and creative director, Lorne Lanning, is not seeing a future in game development for an independent content creation company. He’s going to push the company toward CG film; the technology developed fo Stranger’s Exxodus will allow them to create high quality animation for television and cable at a “fraction of the cost”.

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    DSri Seah