
  • Grabbing DSLR video for Livestreaming on Youtube with a Blackmagic Mini Recorder

    April 17, 2016

    Black Magic UltraStudio Mini Recorder I’ve really enjoyed livestreaming from my YouTube channel this past month. Lately I’ve been trying to add more camera sources that I could switch between different views as I moved around the space. After a recent livestream, Jamie on Twitter messaged me to tell me about his uber-awesome livestreaming setup, which is portable and makes use of GoPro cameras and other high-quality HDMI sources; it’s the step-up from what I’m doing with consumer webcams and free software.

    One of the devices on Jamie’s list was the Black Magic UltraStudio Mini Recorder, which is a tiny Thunderbolt box that accepts both HDMI and SDI inputs! HDMI is the standard that big screen TVs use these days, and SDI is a “professional standard” that I’ve not used; what’s important is that my camera outputs HDMI and this little box can feed it right into the Macbook Pro, where Open Broadcaster can use it as a video source! And because it’s Thunderbolt, it doesn’t use up a precious USB port on my Macbook Pro, which was a limiting factor. It so happens that my Canon 7D Mark II DSLR is supposed to have really nice HDMI output, so I fiddled around with it while livestreaming and got it working, which happened at the 16:28 minute mark in this video:

    The result: HDMI input into a livestream on youtube! I can switch between my desktop where I’m doing design, and use the high-quality imaging of the DSLR to show things up-close and beautiful. As far as I have figured out, the trick is to first run the Black Magic Desktop Video Utility (installed from the SD card that’s packed-in with the Mini Recorder) to select the HDMI input and (I think) initialize the device over the Thunderbolt connection. After that, you can add a “Blackmagic Device” in OBS Studio directly to a scene.

    I’m looking forward to seeing how to use this in upcoming design-related livestream with other project collaborators in my workspace! Woo!

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    DSri Seah
  • A Dip into Static Site Generation with Metalsmith (GHD069)

    April 12, 2016

    I’m getting the feeling that this month’s various goal-oriented tasks will make for incredibly dull reading. For example, today I spent about 90 minutes going through a tutorial for Metalsmith. (more…)

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    DSri Seah
  • Five Days and Eighteen Hours of Live-streamed Coding (GHD065-68)

    April 11, 2016

    Continuing from Tuesday and Wednesday’s focus on contract work for an upcoming deadline, Thursday through Sunday were also all about coding. I got the critical prototype code working late Saturday, and spent Sunday doing some fixes followed by a code review to document what I thought needed improvement.

    An interesting side-project did arise out of the week-long coding exercise: a video log of the development process, recorded as I was working through the problem in real time, an accurate reflection of how I think while programming. While it’s a bit embarrassing how slow I am at times and what obvious things I miss, I did find the act of talking to the camera as I coded actually helped me stay focused, far more than I think I could have managed otherwise. There are over 18 hours of footage, a significant portion of the 25 hours total I spent developing the feature, and some day I will go back and be amazed at how smart/how dumb I am on different days.

    At this point, I think I can say I’m a fan of streaming my activities and look forward to doing more of it with as many of my activities as possible. My Groundhog Day Resolutions time might be quite limited for the next two months, as I am working on contract through the summer AND will be back in Taiwan for a good chunk of time, but I will figure out a way to bring the schedule back into balance. This is a learning situation, after all! I am feeling very positive about the days ahead!

    About this Article Series

    For my 2016 Groundhog Day Resolutions, I'm challenging myself to make something goal-related every day from February 2nd through December 12. All the related posts (and more!) are gathered on the Challenge Page.

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    DSri Seah
  • Sundry Life Things, Light Goal Puttering (GHD063-64)

    April 7, 2016

    After 4/4’s major Groundhog Day Review #2, I’ve been drawn into contract work, as there is an upcoming delivery rapidly approaching that I’d like to get largely settled by this Friday. Because of that I’ve not thought too hard about Groundhog Day Resolution Goals. However, I have made some related decisions!

    • I’m getting rid of the Epson Workforce Pro 4630 printer that I really liked until I realized it was not printing text cleanly. I then got a warranty repair unit, which printed text correctly but could not print color. At this point, I’ve wasted over a hundred dollars on ink and hours of time. I could try sending it back one more time, which I may do, but I have decided to wash my hands of this crappy inkjet technology. The Workforce Pro 4630 was well-regarded as a small business inkjet All-In-One, and I believed in Epson’s ability to deliver a quality product especially for their more expensive business products. But you know what? Inkjets suck unless you spend time maintaining them every week. If you are not printing color every day, it’s a huge waste. So I have decided to get rid of this stress-inducing hunk of junk; I’ve replaced it with a color laser printer (an HP LaserJet Pro 252dw) which should not have the print head issues that inkjets have always had. As I said on Twitter, an inkjet printer is like a great-looking exotic dog that has the habit of randomly on your work. Color laser output is not the greatest, but I just need it to work on my form design; business level graphics are fine with me. I don’t need a new hobby taking care of needy printers.

    • I’ve been continuing to try virtual coworking, streaming for a chunk of time every day to see what it’s like. An experienced streamer caught one of my last ones and sent me a wonderful breakdown of his streaming setup, so I have some ideas of where to go next in terms of expanding capability. Streaming is fun! It gives me the power to use my voice conversationally, and I had the interesting thought that perhaps streaming is actually the best vehicle for what I want to do, which is do creative things with other creative people. It reminds me a bit of when I worked in digital agencies in the early 2000s, doing work in the company of other people but not directly interacting with them because we all had different areas of focus. Combining the livestreaming of creative work with the coworking and living room cafe concepts might be a fruitful direction to explore!

    • I’ve been dealing with health-related issues not only for myself, but for the cats. I have a doctor’s appointment coming up, and had to have a blood test. One of the cats is having dental surgery tomorrow because her front teeth are badly infected, and the other cat needs catsitting when I plan my last-minute trip to Taiwan to visit my Dad and have some dental work completed by my uncle. It’s been a little stressful trying to coordinate the times and making sure I have the money with the upcoming tax deadlines looming over me.

    Otherwise, I have been feeling pretty good. I’m actually fairly productive and focused. The coworking streaming sessions have provided an outlet. I’ve been improving my audio/video setup and getting a feel for how to talk on my feet as I try to work, which is good training. I see some possibilities for expansion of my online digital community, and I feel more connected to the development community in a way that I haven’t before. It occurred to me today that this is a new Golden Age of computing that has the optimism of the early 1980s, and I’m happy that I’ve again lucked into being part of it!

    About this Article Series

    For my 2016 Groundhog Day Resolutions, I'm challenging myself to make something goal-related every day from February 2nd through December 12. All the related posts (and more!) are gathered on the Challenge Page.

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    DSri Seah
  • Groundhog Resolutions Review #2 (GHD062)

    April 4, 2016

    Groundhog Day Review It’s APRIL 4, the second Groundhog Day Resolution Review Day of 2016! Last month I was tentatively pleased by what happened, surprised even. To quote myself:

    “Got more done than I thought I had, thanks to the obsessive journaling I do. I am so weird, but somehow I seem to be managing…fingers crossed!”

    This month I have more of the same positive feeling, though I’ve also been feeling burned out by the daily grind of trying to do something every day. However, I’ve found livestreaming myself on YouTube to have a surprisingly productive effect on me and my energy levels. I would have thought that livestreaming my bloated face on YouTube would be an invitation to the demons of Anxiety and Uncertainty and possibly being Called Fat. So far these fears have not materialized. I really like streaming; it reminds me of the days when I started blogging, way back in 2005. It’s like I’m dancing like no one’s watching…a good feeling!

    But I digress! Read onward for a high-level recap of progress made on my various 2024 goals, and see what I’m looking forward to! I’d say the past month went pretty darn well! (more…)

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    DSri Seah