
  • Meanwhile, Down in North Carolina…

    June 29, 2005

    Visit Site Just a quick celebratory “awesome!” for the guys at The IconFactory, who are providing the “exclusive icon” for the new Spielberg flick War of the Worlds. Way to go guys! Is “IconFactory: The Movie” next? You can see their logo on the “Partner” page…nicest looking logo there, I must say.

    On a side note, why is it that so many people I know have ended up in North Carolina? The other hot spot is San Francisco.

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    DSri Seah
  • PawSox Weekend

    June 29, 2005

    Some Guy in the Stands A few weeks ago I was invited by Robert to see the Pawtucket Red Sox. He had a couple of extra V.I.P. tickets, which meant we would get the good parking. Why not? Things to see and eat!


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    DSri Seah
  • Burger Week

    June 28, 2005

    Tomorrow I’m going to Mr. Bartley’s Burger Cottage in Harvard Square to sample their famous burgers.

    I had a burger at Martha’s Exchange here in Nashua to serve as “the control”. Unfortunately I had to get it to go, since they had stopped seating for the night. It was still nice of them to put my order in. Anyway, Martha’s is known in this town for having pretty decent burgers, served rare if you ask. My “Texas Burger” was pretty good…nice and rare! Not bad at all. There is a disparity between the taste of the burger meat and the butter-toasted bun though…they just don’t quite go together for me. I think the burger to really try is probably the Gorgonzola Burger, which I’ll get next time I get there in time to be seated.

    I imagine this week we’ll be grilling too for the 4th of July weekend. My sis is coming with entourage in tow, so I’m looking forward to some good eatin’. Let there be watermelon!

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    DSri Seah
  • Not Your Average Joe’s

    June 28, 2005

    Visit Site I’ve been to Not Your Average Joe’s a couple of times now for lunch, and both times I’ve had a delightful time. The food, the service, and the atmosphere were excellent! I like this place a lot.


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    DSri Seah
  • Intel Education: Showing Evidence

    June 27, 2005

    Visit Site Showing Evidence, the Flash ActionScript 2.0 project I developed with Inquirium, is now public. Awesome! Huzzah!

    From the Intel site:

    Argumentation is essential to human thinking and discourse. People construct and evaluate arguments everyday in school, work, and informal settings to resolve issues as simple as what brand of soda to buy to as complex as whether stem cell research should be legalized. The ability to evaluate and construct arguments is particularly important in today’s society where individuals are constantly confronted with new information. […] The Showing Evidence Tool provides a scaffold to support students as they create a claim and then support or refute it with appropriate evidence. When an argument is complicated, the components of the tool help students think through justifying a claim.


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    DSri Seah