
  • Ideas Lost in the Shower

    December 7, 2005

    I was in the shower and had a ton of ideas that just slipped away…the chill New England air blasted them right out of my head. Most irritating.

    I was thinking maybe I could put a white board in my shower, but then I remembered seeing underwater writing tablets on a documentary. That would be perfect!

    As it happens, other people have had this brainstorm before. Check out this Cool Tools entry. The device is called a dive slate. It has a “golf pencil” (whatever that is) attached to it via surgical tubing. I also saw that there are “quick erase” magnetic dive slates that use magnets to write—I’m guessing it’s like one of those children’s toys. I am curious whether the resolution of the slate allows for fine writing.

    I mentioned this idea to my buddy Jeff, and he said, “You need a waterproof journal“. It’s a spiral-bound notebook for use “in the field” in all kinds of weather (by bird watchers, for example). Use your Fisher Space Pen to write in it; it’s pressurized and writes upside down and in wet conditions. Outdoor Activity stores might carry the journal; you can get space pens at Staples. I like to touch stuff before I buy it, personally speaking.

    For you DIYPlanner and PocketMod fans, do a search on waterproof paper to find the good stuff for your printer. You could make the ATW version of your productivity system! Booyah!

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    DSri Seah
  • The Printable CEO: PowerPoint Editable Version

    December 6, 2005

    Reader Robert K. Brown sent me a version of The Printable CEO he had meticulously recreated in PowerPoint. It’s uncannily faithful to the original layout. Robert notes that the colors don’t print quite the same, so downloaders may want to tweak them…because it’s editable!

    This is not a slide presentation, nor is it interactive; it’s just easy to edit the PowerPoint slide for printing. If you used the Excel version in the past and wished it looked more like the PDF, then give the PowerPoint version a try.

    I’m particularly impressed by his clever use of PowerPoint. I don’t ordinarily use it because I’ve got Macromedia Flash and make custom presentations as part of my work. However, PowerPoint has come a long way, and while it doesn’t offer the advanced capabilities of Flash, it’s probably safe to say that it’s the standard graphics application for business. I didn’t even think of it when making that original Excel editable version of the PCEO. An important lesson! I’ve thought that maybe I should learn how to make cool Word templates too; we designer types get caught up in using our fancy tools that require fancy technology to make everything just perfect and eschew “everyday” tools like Microsoft Office. This doesn’t have to be the case. I should really look more into the Office Suite to see what it can do.

    Thanks Robert! You rock!

    » Download PowerPoint Version » scanned with Norton Anti-Virus 2005

    Why Not Release Source?

    I’m sometimes asked why I don’t release the original Illustrator CS2 files to the public. Here’s my reasoning:

    • It goes against my instinct about releasing source files from being in the design business, though this might not apply here. The print designers I know are pretty careful about what they release, and if source files are involved they charge a hefty premium. Since I’m not making any money off of this, maybe it’s a moot point.
    • However, there may come a time that I do want to make something out of this, and therefore I want to maintain control over the appearance of the forms. So holding on to source is like a promise to myself that I’ll do something cool with them later.
    • In the meantime, it’s kind of fun to think of other ways to distribute the PCEO concept using other media, the way Robert has. My thinking is to make a Flash version, but no one has really cried out for this so it remains on the back burner.
    • For those of you out there thinking, “Hey, I have Illustrator CS2! I could use the source files!”, did you know you can import PDF files directly into the program? Well, you can. It won’t be as easy as editing the actual source since the graphics get broken down into vectors, but hey…you have Illustrator CS2…you already know how to deal with that!
    • Or you can always hire me to make some quick modifications. I have reasonable rates ;-)

    I’m really curious about how people choose their own priorities, so if you feel like sharing, please feel free to contact me or leave a comment. C’mon, it’ll be fun! It will help guide future development too!

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    DSri Seah
  • Funny Newsletter…from Microsoft?

    December 6, 2005

    microsoft back room newsletter header As part of my Action Pack subscription, I’m subscribed to a number of fluffy Microsoft Partner newsletters filled with marketing speak. I keep the subscriptions because occasionally there’s a local event that I check out, but usually the content is not that interesting.

    I was surprised, though, that the OEM Systems Builder newsletter actually had a large, funny header that immediately drew me into the rest of the content. It’s amazing what a little genuine humor can do for the credibility of a newsletter. They certainly know their target audience: crochety systems builders and IT staffers who are constantly hammered with insane demands.

    In case you’re curious, here’s some bad pictures of what the Action Pack is—lots of Microsoft software (everything a small business would use, from Office to operating systems) and marketing stuff to help sell “Microsoft Solutions”. The materials are all very slick, so they’re just fun to get in the mail every quarter. It costs $199/yr to maintain the subscription ($299 for the first year).

    ActionPackActionPack!@(images/05/1127-actionpack2.jpg:N popimg: “ActionPack”)
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    DSri Seah
  • Clarifying the Meaning of Productivity

    December 5, 2005

    I did my laundry on Sunday afternoon, the conclusion of an absurdly-long process. It started two weeks ago with the collection of loose items of clothing. Then I found my hamper and put them in. Today, wearing the Hawaiian-style World of Warcraft shirt that signals a critical shortage of clean clothing, I moved the hamper halfway to the laundry room before being distracted by the sheer inefficiency of my process. I ended up in my office writing this post. Ironic I know, but my slothfulness has triggered an interesting chain of insights regarding how individual uniqueness plays a big role in defining a systematic approach to productivity.


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    DSri Seah
  • Random TV Watching

    December 4, 2005

    I’ve been catching up on Tivo the past few nights, killin’ time until Battlestar Galactica (AKA the Best Show on TV) starts back up again in January. For those of you missing out, I’m not talking about the campy 80’s tv series…I’m talking about the new series running on the SciFi Channel here in the States.


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    DSri Seah