
  • 2006 Strategy: Keeping My Money

    February 1, 2006

    NOTE: this entry is the second part of another article: Converting Resolutions to Actions

    I did a poor job of managing my finances in 2005, and have racked up way more credit card debt than I anticipated. So I am instituting a recovery plan for 2006.

    The basic problem comes down to doing regular financial accounting. Without it, you’re dead. It’s not one of my favorite things to do, as I find data entry tedious. At the same time, I really have no idea how to use an accountant. The business of money was never discussed even tangentially in my household growing up, and the idea of using professional services was a foreign concept. I’m still a little amazed today at how little I know about managing the details of my life. I imagine that people who don’t understand how their computers work feel the same way when they stare at the system control panel. So that’s what that feels like!

    I’ve been doing a lot more reading about personal finance and business, trying to get a better “feel” for what the essentials are to help define my Printable CEO goals in terms of making money. Turnaround is achievable if I stay focused.


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    DSri Seah
  • Timesheets from Blue Flavor

    January 25, 2006

    The guys at Blue Flavor have created awesome paper-based time-tracking worksheets.

    If you’ve ever worked at a place that requires timesheets, you may have been struck by the extra bit of tedium they add to your work week. Normal time sheets are tedious because they require re-transcription of hour data, and don’t lend themselves to hour-by-hour use. They also do a terrible job of giving you an “at a glance” feel for how productive (e.g. billable or company-building) a particular week was. At most places I’ve worked, I have maintained my hours separately using an Excel spreadsheet so I could pull meaningful project-related data from my historical data in addition to meeting the timesheet requirement.

    The Blue Favor design is inspired in part by the concepts behind The Printable CEO™, and neatly addresses the issues I’ve had with timesheets in the past. The timesheets (there are two variations) are excellent examples of workflow-oriented practical design thinking, targeting the needs of weekly hour accounting in a format that supports “on-the-job” use. When I first made the PCEO form, I was concerned about how “Management” could wrongfully apply the concepts. Perhaps I needn’t have worried; this is a kick-ass application of the PCEO.

    I wish I’d thought of it :-)

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    DSri Seah
  • You Never Know Who’s Watching

    January 25, 2006

    I lead a pretty normal (i.e. geeky) existence here in Southern New Hampshire, which is practically part of the Greater Boston area. I eat, I shop, I hang out with friends, and I don’t have the expectation of encountering the genuinely unusual or famous. When it happens, it’s a strange kind of surprise that makes me feel unusually quiet. For example: meeting celebrities.


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    DSri Seah
  • Reader Mail

    January 24, 2006

    It’s catch-up day! Over the past few weeks I’ve gotten some interesting email, so I thought I’d share some of them.


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    DSri Seah
  • Four Things

    January 23, 2006

    I’m not sure how this happened, but I’ve been tagged by Mike Stickel to participate in a 4 things meme. I find memes interesting when they’re action-oriented viral ideas. In the process of acting on the viral idea, you become a part of community of participation. Weird! I’ve also been watching a lot of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex lately, so I guess I’m just in the mood for them.

    The questions:

    • Four jobs I’ve had in my life
    • Four movies I can watch over and over
    • Four places I have lived
    • Four TV shows I love to watch
    • Four places I have been on vacation
    • Four websites I visit daily
    • Four of my favorite foods
    • Four places I would rather be right now
    • Four bloggers I’m tagging

    And the answers…


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    DSri Seah