
  • Pie Obsession

    May 20, 2006

    Someone told me about razzleberry pie, which is not a real berry but a concoction of raspberry and blackberry. For some reason…I must try it. I think I just like the way “razzleberry” sounds.

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    DSri Seah
  • The Rise and Fall of the American Club Sandwich

    May 19, 2006

    I’ve noticed a disturbing trend among American restaurants: the club sandwich has been downsized from three slices of bread to two, which in my mind makes it just another sandwich. I suppose it may be a return to authenticity, as this quote from food diety James Beard suggests:

    [the club sandwich] is one of the great sandwiches of all time and has swept its way around the world after an American beginning. Nowdays the sandwich is bastardized because it is usually made as a three-decker, which is not authentic (whoever started that horror should be forced to eat three-deckers three times a day the rest of his life), and nowadays practically everyone uses turkey and there’s a vast difference between turkey and chicken where sandwiches are concerned.

    I was all set to complain about how restaurants like “Ruby Tuesday” and “Bugaboo Creek”, two institutions which serve a particularly disappointing club sandwich, seem to be spearheading a move away from the three-slice stack of bread, bacon, tomato and turkey of my childhood. Authenticity be damned!

    I first encountered the club sandwich as a displaced American kid in Taiwan. This was the late 70s, when the island was under martial law. This was well before any American franchises were allowed into the country; imagine a place without McDonalds, and that was Taiwan. In other words, a horrible place to live when you’re a kid: no TV, no nice stores, no ice cream…nothing! Maybe it was actually good for me in some unspecified way, but it was rather depressing at the time. Our mom, sensing that we needed regular injections of Americana to bolster our spirits, took us to the only nearby Western restaurant, Foremost on (I think) Chung Hua Bei Lu in Shihlin, a suburb of Taipei. Foremost Foods was one of the only places that actually sold cows milk and western ice cream. The dairy was obviously reconstituted, watery, and a little funny tasting, but they also served burgers and club sandwiches. I don’t actually remember eating many of them (sis might remember), but they anchored my sense of identity in some weird gastronomic fashion.

    I often wondered how Foremost had come to be in Taiwan in the first place, a country not known for its love of dairy in any form; milk usually means “goat” or “soybean” (yuck). Well, the Internet is here today, so I found that the post-WWII US military presence in Taiwan probably had something to do with it; Foremost Dairies supplied milk to US forces abroad from 1932 onwards. Particularly interesting is this excerpt:

    During World War 11, the U.S. military sparked Foremost’s international growth and the creamery opened additional plants nationwide. Foremost Dairies became known as “the longest milk route in the world.” […] Wherever it set up a facility, the organization wanted to teach local people how to operate it and then share in its success.

    While searching the Internet, I came across Foremost in places like Vietnam and Hawaii, the logo largely untouched. Taiwan itself benefited from the facilities and training Foremost introduced, creating a sustainable local business in a fashion similar to the Singer Corporation…or so I imagine. I find the remnants of foreign cultures fascinating, especially when they’ve established a foothold in a place where the original influence has disappeared. Asia is littered with this: Vietnamese cuisine, forks and spoons in Thailand, master sushi chefs in Taiwan…you get the idea. Then there’s interesting ideas backwashing into the former colonial powers, like Cobra Beer importing Indian beer to go with curry served in the U.K.

    Where was I? Oh yes, club sandwiches…I guess it wasn’t about the number of slices of bread after all.

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    DSri Seah
  • Wide World of Animal Noises

    May 17, 2006

    I was just thinking the other day about how animal archetypes are imprinted on us early as children; for some reason we spend a lot of time learning that ducks quack, cows moo, and cats meow. Encountering this list of animal noises, commands, and names in a number of different languages was conveniently timed. Mrrr! Mrrr! Via BoingBoing

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    DSri Seah
  • A Man and His Level

    May 17, 2006

    I finally mounted my check rail, but before undertaking this momental task I went to Home Depot to buy some kind of leveling device. I was originally thinking of getting some kind of fancy auto-balancing laser level, but they’re expensive…$39 and up! The one I really wanted was about $80, but the packaging was done is such a way that I couldn’t quite tell if it did what I really wanted. So, I thought I’d check out what I thought would be the boring old-style levels and save myself some money.

    What I didn’t expect was this sweet piece of machined aircraft aluminum:

    Empire Level

    The World of Levels

    Levels deliver precision measurement in demanding construction environments, have to be shock-proof, lightweight, and easy to read. And of course it helps if they look cool. The one above is from the Empire Level Manufacturing Corporation website, which made the slickest ones I saw. Their claim to fame is some kind of innovation in the level bubble capsule itself, but I thought they just looked neat. Look!

    true blueCOOL!

    true blueCOOL!

    Prices were about $16 for a 24-inch aluminum level.

    Another neat purveyor of fine levels were the wooden ones from Johnson Level & Tool. They were made of laminated strips of wood, with brass edging and shock mounts on either side…really neat looking. These were a bit more expensive, at $25 for a 24-inch wooden level. I couldn’t find a decent picture on their website, but there was a fancy web page for their new product line. It’s called, er, “The Big Johnson”:

    The Big Johnson I spent about an hour looking at every different level there, admiring the design and construction of each manufacturer’s offering. It’s interesting to note that both Empire and Johnson are located in Wisconsin, the land of cheese and hearty wursts. Is toolmaking a tradition out there? The president of Empire Level is apparently fifth-generation member of the family that founded the business in 1919. There’s a cute picture of her holding the “the super-accurate True Blue® vial which is at the heart of Empire’s premium level’s and squares.” Adorable.

    Money is Still Money

    Despite all this looking and shopping, I just decided to get this $3.99 Stanley plastic level:

    Stanley Level $3.99 Cheap, cheerful, doesn’t take up a lot of space, and it gets the job done. Still looks cool, albeit in a more toylike way. And what really matters is that I got the check rail mounted:

    The mounted check rail Woo hoo!
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    DSri Seah
  • What’s Up in the Forums

    May 16, 2006

    It’s been a while since I’ve reviewed what’s going on in The Forums. It’s been relatively quiet, but a few topics are slowly moving:

    • The Innovation Book Club — A couple messages about executive book summary clubs…this was part of the inspiration, actually, for the tables of contents post. We need our ideas in bite-sized form!
    • GTD with Thunderbird — A heads-up on using the Thunderbird email client a forum member’s blog post.

    • Virtual Freelancer Network — Discussion continues around using Open Source tools like Drupal to create viable businesses.

    • How to Build a Community…And Why — some discussion on why one would want to build a community.

    Also created a few new forums:

    • The Library — for book recommendations. I’m planning on posting the table of contents of books I think are cool here.

    • The Incubator — sort of a project brainstorming area. Right now, there’s just one called the “University in a Box”.

    • Talk It Up: The Public Forum — this is a guest-access forum that everyone can talk in, though if you’re logged in you don’t see it. I’ve copied a few of my threads in there to see if anyone had anything to say in the forum format. I may just post them as regular blog posts and see if that makes a difference.


    p>So not a whole lot of activity in the past two weeks; I’ve been rather busy myself, but the conversation slowly continues, with a few more registrations to boot. Very cool!

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    DSri Seah