
  • Flickr Integration

    July 4, 2006

    In celebration of the Independence Day, I upgraded my Flickr account. Flickr has really been impressing me lately, so for $24/yr, I was happy to do the upgrade to Pro so I could have more albums. I figured it might be nice to actually show a few more photos on the website too; my blog is rather, er, word-heavy, so providing an alternative means to browse content seems like the thing to do.

    I am using FAlbum for the Flickr integration. It’s pretty cool! Geeky notes follow.


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    DSri Seah
  • My Two Week Rule

    July 3, 2006

    I’ve been chatting with a long-time friend about exercising and other life goals we’re working toward. She and I are both working on defining our practices and getting healthier. So the deal is to report to each other how things are going so we can keep track of each other’s progress. It just seemed like a good idea at the time. I find that communicating what we’re doing really helps focus our energies.

    One of my friend’s goals is to regain the strength she lost after recovering from a car accident. She just wrote me to say after two weeks of exercising, she feels noticeably stronger and was able to walk for a much greater distance than she could before. Fantastic! I was noticing something similar myself; I’ve been doing some exercises at home in the “crunch” and “pushup” variety, getting used to the idea of sweating and resistance. It’s also been about two weeks, and while I haven’t lost any weight, I appear to have gained some muscle. I also noticed that my posture is a bit better from having a stronger stomach. I’m still swaddled in a soft layer of lard, but underneath that is the beginnings of actual muscle. I’m starting to see veins that weren’t there before. I’m absolutely astonished that my body can change without the application of technology; I of course knew this in the abstract, but seeing it actually happen is very cool and a little freaky. It just took two weeks.

    You can probably guess where I’m going with this: two weeks seems to be a good “medium term” passage of time to wait before assessing results. It’s sort of a companion to the two minute rule from Getting Things Done. If you’re not familiar with the two minute rule, it’s applied when you’re going through your “in-box” of stuff you need to do. You take an item from the in-box and assess it. If it’s something you can do in under two minutes, you just do it. It’s amazing how productive this mentality is; before, I used to “cherry pick” the “important” tasks first, and this just lead to gridlock.


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    DSri Seah
  • An Introduction

    June 30, 2006

    My buddy Senia recently graduated from the Masters of Positive Psychology program at UPenn, earning yet another of a string of degrees from schools like Harvard and Stanford. What impresses me most, though, are her insights about the world and how we as individuals relate to it and to ourselves. And instead of looking for meaning in complexity like I tend to do, she just points in a direction and says, “see that?” and follows up with an awesome question, citation, or quote. She’s also very present in the world, and I think this gives her the ability to see things that I ordinarily don’t; a lot of my more interesting ideas have sprouted from one of her observations or questions. I’m very pleased to see that she’s started her own blog at, writing about business, happiness and intuition. It’s about time, dude! Welcome to the blogosphere! :-)

    Friday is Question Day at, and today’s question is What’s the best thing in the world? Making this introduction is certainly one of them, from where I’m standing!

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    DSri Seah
  • The Worthlessness of Ideas

    June 29, 2006

    Commenter Ben Yoskovitz challenges the idea that ideas are worthless, a view I have stated one-sidedly in a recent post: Obsessing Over Lost Ideas. It’s completely understandable that Ben would take affront to this, and he unleashes a laundry list of reasons why ideas are great.

    Here’s some of his points (check out his post for more detail):

    • Ideas create communication.
    • Ideas Have No Risk? Says Who?
    • Ideas help us be more creative.
    • Ideas lead to change.
    • Ideas foster communication.
    • Ideas are the birthplace of businesses.
    • Ideas beget more ideas.
    • Ideas foster enthusiasm.

    Yes, yes, and yes! Don’t get me wrong…I love ideas. My perspective, however, is that ideas by themselves have little worth from a “results” perspective. An idea that stays in my head just takes up space, so either I tell someone about it (useful!) or I do something with it (world changing!)

    Ideas that Make Me Itch

    The scenario that irks me is when someone believes that being “the original idea-haver” is an entitlement, and that anyone who actually goes and does something with it is ripping them off. When I used to be a teaching assistant for graphic design students, I would occassionally have to resolve complains that “Student B is ripping off my idea!” It usually came down to something like this:

    “Dave, did you see Student B’s work?” “Yes, Student A. What about it?” “She’s totally ripping off my design!” “Really? Tell me more.” “See how I’m using circular elements here on my layout? She’s…” and here the student would lower his voice, humbled by the ethical sins he was about to expose, “…she’s also using circles! Like me! You have to stop this! It’s not fair!”

    The thought that would go through my mind was, “What, did you invent the circle? Are you the first person to put it in a design? Sheesh!” I would usually tell them something that the circle is a pretty basic element, and it was how you really used it that would make a difference…look, there’s so many other ways you can combine size, tone, image, etc to make a completely different look that blows away “The Circle Stealer”, who would happily go on with her business learning instead of, you know, looking over her shoulder.

    Then there’s the scenario where someone believes in idea-work equivalency; that is, having the idea in the first place entitles one to claim credit for all the work that was done to make it happen. Their argument is, “Hey, you wouldn’t have been able to do anything without my idea, so really everything you’ve done based on it belongs to me.” While this perhaps is true (and this is when I wish I’d studied Rhetoric in college), it’s also incredibly disrespectful to the people who got off their asses and did the work. I have a particularly strong allergic reaction to people like this.


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    DSri Seah
  • Social Bookmarking Twiddling

    June 29, 2006

    : I was chatting with Brad over the weekend about making it easier for people to find our content, and he mentioned a plugin that would automatically add links to [], digg, and other social bookmarking services. The idea is that by making these bookmarking icons more accessible, people are more likely to bookmark interesting posts, which theoretically drives traffic.

    Geeky notes follow!


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    DSri Seah