
  • Dailies 006: Curry Assessments and Realistic Work Loads

    March 13, 2018

    Another Snow Day Happy Tuesday! My blogging daily for March continues. It’s a snow day today (we’re getting 16-20 inches). Today’s topics are framing, curry, and feeling like I have too many uncertain tasks going on. You can watch today’s video or read onward! (more…)
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    DSri Seah
  • Dailies 005: Reorganizations of Space and Mind, plus Squid Snacks

    March 12, 2018

    Happy Monday! I’m continuing my daily blogging for this week of March 12, 2018. I’m trying to keep these fairly short too so people don’t waste too much time. If you’d like to waste some time today, though, check out today’s What’s Up Dave livestream archive for 26 minutes of me talking through the stuff below. Or read onward! (more…)

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    DSri Seah
  • Dailies 004: Friday Pinkness

    March 9, 2018

    Happy Friday! This morning I flipped-around my routine, starting with the What’s Up Dave video instead of writing this blog post first. This way, I can link to the video in the blog post! I’ve decided to just use the morning video to get my head together and do a little light planning. I didn’t have much on my slate, other than spend a few minutes getting my cold-addled head around some explorative development work.

    Example Sketchnote-y Drawings Susan in the chat room was looking for resources on drawing symbols for Sketchnotes, and this was an opportunity to try out my new pen to show some common tricks I do when I’m making block diagrams. I’m not much of an illustrator, but I find making decorative boxes serves most of my needs.

    Pink overload! In the video I show some “fresh ramen” that I tried out, the new nail color + Lamy Al Star pen with the vibrant pink ink. I may have gone a little overboard on the color experimentation :-)

    That’s it for today’s update. I’m still figuring out what daily blogging will mean again. Back on Monday.

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    DSri Seah
  • Dailies 003: Debugging Deep Rage

    March 8, 2018

    Snow Day Yesterday I was marveling at how well I was procrastinating, not doing work that I rationally wanted to do but could not seem to invoke the intent to do it. I also was refusing to believe that merely having a cold would be enough to knock me out. I had identified a feeing of annoyance that seems to be getting under my skin. I didn’t work on any code modules at all.

    Today I’m working from Starbucks because I got up too late to find a good parking spot when our condo association declared belatedly that they were plowing the lots after the mega snowstorm. I stopped by the supermarket first to buy a huge bag of cough drops, and the checkout people looked at me sympathetically and said they hoped I felt better soon. Hmm, apparently I actually LOOK sick. I tried to put on a chipper face when ordering my Starbucks Citrus Defender, a beverage said to have healing properties by sages on the Internet. I couldn’t taste it because of all the cough drops I’m sucking down, though. Apparently I’m not at my mental peak, which I find very annoying. Shouldn’t I just be able to POWER THROUGH this? I’m awake, I can form thoughts (sorta), and I should be able to be disciplined enough to make myself do something!

    Well…maybe in my weakened state I am willing to admit that I am not very disciplined, if at all. Strange as it may seem, perhaps I am a creature driven by whim and mystical purpose, and any sense of drive I have seems to be derived from the immediate need of people around me. If I were to accept this, maybe life would go easier. I also remembered that this is the week after an intense social week of having a guest in my house, and I always seem to need a lot of personal downtime after any kind of social interaction. That’s another operating quirk that I have. Since I naturally seem to avoid any kind of stress, these are normal conditions. As much as I wish it wasn’t the case, I’m not sure that berating myself for being this way is actually going to help me be any more productive. The whole point of testing “Gathering Style Productivity” this year is to find an alternative means to regularly (if not predictably) produce works of value.

    I did have one very important insight yesterday thanks to @JoeQuery’s questioning in the chat room, which was that I have a kind of rage response against imperfection that prevents me from moving on and getting to work. It’s not my OWN imperfection that bothers me, but that I’m LIMITED by supposedly authoritative sources that are imperfect, incompetent, or lacking in true insight. These sources waste my time, and I spend a lot of time being outraged by it. Finding a better way to deal with this other than pure rage would be a step in the right direction, as shit on the Internet is not likely to go away. SEE I AM STILL ANGRY ABOUT IT. My desire to have a SWEAR JAR for this year’s Groundhog Day Resolutions is probably rooted in this rage. Something to think about.

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    DSri Seah
  • Dailies 002: Akrasia and Deferred Gratification

    March 7, 2018

    Here’s my second “daily” post for the month of March. Hm, yesterday didn’t go so well on the PRODUCTIVITY side of things. I had told myself I wanted to do some billable work, and then instantly frittered away my time on other things. I looked RIGHT AT THE TASK and couldn’t make myself do it. It was bizarre.

    The task is, I must say, rather boring on the surface. I have to read up about HTML forms, Javascript events, and CSS. I feel that HTML, Javascript, and CSS are abominations that have only recently been made to behave in a civilized manner, so I have some innate disdain for working with it. I am also admittedly sick with a cold, but I seemed lucid enough yesterday to do a bit of reading if I could have forced myself to do it. Grah!

    After some discussion in the coworking chat room, I described the feeling like I needed a roll of shipping tape so I could fill-up and seal a box. The shipping tape is somewhere in the house, but I don’t know exactly where. And when I finally find the stupid tape, I can’t find the edge and unroll it cleanly for fifteen minutes. It occurs to me now that perhaps I am not as mentally prepared to deal with obnoxious rolls of tape; clearly it’s getting under my skin in some way. Secondly, I’ve been reading a bit about akrasia, a Greek philosophical term regarding how people don’t do what is in their best interest. There’s some tidily-packaged blog posts that tell a nice story followed by some pleasant generalizations as the prelude to offering affordably-priced PDFs to buy; my takeaway from them was that there is also the concept of deferred gratification that I perhaps should focus on. I hate deferred gratification when the outcome will be of an unknown quality, but I don’t mind it otherwise.

    I’ll try to cobble together an approach today that includes these insights. HTML/JAVASCRIPT/CSS TAKE 2.

    On a side note, here’s what I did instead:

    • Bought some interesting food at Trader Joes (tempura CAULIFLOWER)
    • Found some nail polish to match my new fountain pen (vibrant pink!)
    • Got the missing nut for the guitar jack (and the jack works!)
    • Wrote an RFP for possible ecommerce help from a friend of mine.

    Also, @jess found a cool CLI-based task manager called TaskWarrior. I like the idea of it! I may use their task DOM as the basis for my own visual tools…but that’s something for another day.

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    DSri Seah