
  • The Printable CEO™ VI: Menu of the Day

    September 11, 2006

    Menu of the DayI’ve been preoccupied lately with process, having recognized it as the foundation for successful business practice. In the past, I have tended to think about the creation of new ideas and objects as the way to be successful, but it’s process that consistently brings home the bacon.

    For my next stage of daily tracking, I want to encourage the following activities:

    • Make Production Predictable — I tend to stay up way too late, and the reason is that I tend to start late in the day. And the reason I start late in the day is because I really don’t know how long something will take. I think just waking up at the same time every day might good side benefits for myself.
    • Packaging Process — To know how long something takes, I need to be actively packaging what I know how to do into repeatable steps. I already know how to do things, but I think packaging the steps will help shift the cognitive burden from remembering/motivating to just doing. I’m talking about creating processes for myself that are automatic.
    • Quantizing Tasks into Schedulable Chunks — The side benefit of packaging process is that I should be able to predict how long something takes.
    • Focus on Billable, Promotional, and Process-Building Activities — The original Concrete Goals Tracker form focused on the first two. Because I’m thinking more of process, I need to expand the goal list.

    Menu of the DayThe result is the new-and-improved Menu of the Day, which I’m trying out as my daily focusing tool.
    • managing billable work from multiple projects
    • managing personal projects
    • developing the habit of working within a regular schedule
    • maintaining a realistic sense of how long things take, and should take.
    • building new processes and following them.

    There are several new ideas in this form, which is sort of a successor to the original Printable CEO™ Concrete Goals Tracker in terms of tracking and incentivizing your behavior. For people who have a more reactive day, this form probably isn’t for you; you can stick with the Emergent Task Timer.


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    DSri Seah
  • Memories

    September 10, 2006

    NYC Skyline 8/6/2006 I was visiting NYC just a few weeks ago, and rode the Staten Island Ferry for the first time. I found the sheer scale of NYC breathtaking in both its architecture and volume of people. The city, even on a mellow weekend, felt magnificently alive. I have never seen the World Trade Center in person. A friend pointed out its general direction from the ferry, and I took a picture; the shadow shows where I think it was approximately located.

    I am feeling a blend of emotions running through me today…anger, rage, sadness, resolve, grief, and back to anger. As an individual I feel somewhat powerless to effect change on a large scale. However, it is also as an individual that I can be effective, by interacting with one person at a time to build a strong community of my neighbors, to persevere in the face of evil.

    That is what I must never forget.

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    DSri Seah
  • Busy Busy

    September 6, 2006

    Sorry for the lack of posting lately. I’m taking some time to get myself organized. I might as well write about THAT :-)

    Zero Motivation

    After the Labor Day holiday here in the U.S., I experienced some kind of gastonomic distress which wiped me out for almost two days. I would wake up, attempt to will myself out of bed, and after having done so I would attempt to do something productive. No dice…I ended up sleeping most of the day. It was all I could do to just drink water to stay hydrated.

    A couple of observations:

    1. You can’t be productive if your physical health prevents you from maintaining mental clarity and focus.
    2. It’s not worth beating yourself up over it. Take the sick day. Before I came to this conclusion, I was in the foulest of moods, depressed that I couldn’t overcome something as simple as sitting at my computer and working without getting sleepy or distracted.


    p>A followup thought: for me to become more productive, I really do need to pay more attention to my physical health, and I am increasingly thinking that it starts from regular sleep at regular times.

    Zero Motivation Part II

    Today I felt much better, having slept off whatever bug was afflicting me. But now, looking at the MOUNTAIN OF STUFF that I have to do, and should be doing, I’m again struck by the need to prioritize.

    There’s a new wrinkle, too: I need to track future work, which is something I hadn’t had to worry about before. I’m in a kind of weird limbo right now, finishing some small but never-ending projects before launching (hopefully) into some interesting larger ones. Whereas I have a pretty good idea of what I need to do / could do, I don’t have a good sense of what I can commit to in the future. I’ve been playing around with some resource allocation tracking forms for myself, based around the ideas of A, B, C, D, and E tickets (each level representing a certain kind of task in terms of mental burden), but haven’t yet gotten too far. The general idea, though, is that every day, one can only do a few tasks of a certain kind, and that every project can probably be broken into a certain number of these task types. While it sounds overly-complicated, the simplicity in the system comes from the resource allocation: instead of pre-allocating tickets (which would suck) you take whatever ticket you need. Think of it like eating at a Dim Sum restaurant, where you pay based on the number of dishes you’ve accumulated afterwards.

    Zero Motivation III

    When there are this many projects I could be working on, it’s hard to just pick one and start, especially because the rewards aren’t readily apparent. This is probably a good time to kick in another cycle of Printable CEO CGT, but I’m feeling the need for some external motivation as well. This is the hardest part for me about being a freelancer, next to getting the work: the lack of the truly-collaborative human element, when you’re working WITH someone at your side.


    On the plus side, tomorrow I get to go bowling! That is somewhat motivating. There have also been an increase in registrations on the freelance / empowerment forum, which is fantastic. The discussions sort of ebb and flow infrequently, but it’s great that we’re still finding some people who are bold enough to post their background and open themselves up to other members. Pretty cool.

    So that’s what’s going on right now. The system I’m working on right now is a task tracking / resource allocation system so I can know what my availability for project work is at any given time.

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    DSri Seah
  • Bee Story: Part IV (end)

    September 4, 2006

    At last! The writing challenge is over! In a fit of playfulness, I had asked readers to throw out ten ideas to be incorporated into a single story. I thought I could scrunch ’em all into a single entry, but as it turned out the pacing dictated a four-parter.

    This has been an interesting design exercise, and I’ve gained some insight into “winging it” as part of the story writing process. These were pretty much written straight-through without going back and editing anything, just to see what happened. I’ll write more about the experience sometime in the future, but for now…here is the final part of the Bee story. You might want to read part 1, part 2, and part 3 first.

    Recap: Ulrick the bee goes on a mission to find a mysterious destination under terrible flying conditions, meets up with his friend Tiffany the hamster to rest, and later finds the meanest sunflower he’s ever met. The mission a complete wash, he returns back to Tiffany’s house to talk things over before returning to the Hive.


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    DSri Seah
  • Bee Story: Part III

    September 1, 2006

    Here’s Part III, finally, continued from Part II.


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    DSri Seah