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- December 21, 2006
Great Web Books of 2006
December 21, 2006Read moreI’m always up for a good book recommendation; I just got a heads-up that Digital Web Magazine has a growing list of great web-related books in the works. I hate weeding through terrible books, so this is a really great resource for me. As if my Amazon wish list wasn’t long enough.
- December 21, 2006
Cigarette Case Calendar Hack
December 21, 2006Read moreI came across this neat adaptation of the Compact Calendar over on Fighting Monsters.
The author of the post added contact information to the right of the calendar, folded it in half, and stuck it into a cigarette case full o’ stuff. I really like cool cases, so this idea is particularly appealing to me on an irrational level :-)
Thanks for sharing, dude!
- December 20, 2006
Paid Review: Data Deposit Box Continuous Online Backup
December 20, 2006Read moreThis is my first “real” paid review through the ReviewMe service. Today’s topic: easy online remote backup! The product in review: Data Deposit Box from Acpana Business Systems Inc., a Canadian company based in Toronto.
Um, Where’s my Files?
I’m pretty meticulous about backing up my data. When I was a happy-go-lucky kid in high school, I remember working all night on some paper or program, only to accidentally LOSE HUGE TRACTS OF IT because I forgot to save. Or I would accidentally save over the wrong file, destroying a critical fragment of my personal history. Small disasters of this kind would occassionally crop up even through grad school; I might be working on some Photoshop file on a System 8.x Mac, and then the entire computer would lock up for some unknown reason. Hours of work lost, much cursing and swearing ensued.
So I evolved. I have an automatic “save” habit that kicks in everytime I pause to reflect. I automatically save new versions of files, with new filenames, using a versioning system. I archive and copy across multiple disks on multiple computers when possible, and burn to CD. I use version control software. I’ve gone through great lengths to separate the operating system, applications, and data onto physically separate drives; that way, if I have to restore my operating system due to some catastrophe, my DATA will not be erased in the process.
- December 20, 2006
Compact Calendar 2007 PDF Versions
December 20, 2006Read moreI know, I know…it seems like lately every post is about the Compact Calendar, but I got a request for a PDF version for people who don’t have Excel, and it was pretty quick to generate.
Also, I’ve created a generic version (no holidays except for Jan 1st) for those people who don’t have a localized version available for them yet.
» PDF USA (USA week starting Sunday)
» PDF USA (USA week starting Monday)
» PDF GENERIC (Generic week starting Sunday)
And for our european friends:
» PDF GENERIC (Generic week starting Monday)
- December 19, 2006
Stupid Private Posts & The Compact Calendar
December 19, 2006Read moreI was curious why people were reporting having trouble accessing the Compact Calendar. Usually, my site access problems stem from PHP timing-out while WP-Cache is attempting to build the page, which means that nothing shows up. Usually I clear the cache, and the problem goes away.
This time, though, it was a user error on my part; apparently I’d set the Private flag on that post while making some update. WordPress then continues to show me the post because I’m logged-in to the system, but everyone else sees the message sorry no posts found. Because of the clicky nature of the post editing window, which took a small usability step backwards in 2.0, it’s not difficult to accidentally click and set the post status to private without realizing it.
Anyway, the Compact Calendar is back online…I apologize for the trouble in accessing it. And for WordPress users, here’s what I did to fix it so this doesn’t happen again. WARNING! Geek talk follows!