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- July 26, 2007
DIY Tech @ Barcamp Manchester (USA)
July 26, 2007Read moreIt’s that time of year again for all good builders, geeks, and DIYers in the Manchester, New Hampshire area to gather for BarCamp Manchester (USA). It’s coming up this very Saturday, July 28th, at the Amoskeag Business Incubator on S. Commercial St. It’s the second barcamp ever, and I’m looking forward to remeeting the friends I made last year.
Cost? FREE! There will even be free food for lunch. You just need to register on the Wiki. I’m not sure what the limit is this year, probably about 120 or so, so make sure you get on the list. Last year’s BarCamp was a lot of fun; it’s amazing to see how a self-organizing conference bootstraps itself up into a full-fledged event.
This year I’ll just be there as an attendee. Hopefully I’ll remember everyone’s names. :-)
- July 24, 2007
Pre-order Revision: Yearless versus Year Field on the ETP
July 24, 2007Read more:https://davidseah.com/archives/2007/07/22/update-on-pre-printed-emergent-task-planner-pads/ About 15 percent of Emergent Task Planner preorderers have said that they would prefer a yearless version, so they don't end up with a stack of "outdated" 2007 forms.
On the other hand, this doesn't seem to have bothered the other 85% of people who have indicated that they'd buy form pads when they become available, and a few people have even said that having that "officially printed year" gives a satisfying feel to the form.
Here's a compromise solution. What do you think? I it retains most of the "officialness" while allowing us not to waste forms until 2010. By then, I'm sure we'll be doing yearly pre-printed journals, and the issue will be moot.
Comments welcome!
If you'd like to change your order, go ahead and post it here. Please include the state/country you would be ordering from. Again, we are probably only going to run the US LETTER size and handle continental United States shipping only, but if you'd like to know when the A4 version and international shipping will be available, go ahead and post a comment and I'll take your email address down from it. Or you can use the email contact form if you'd prefer to keep your comments private.
For information about the preordering process and pricing, check out original [preorder post]
. Thank you!
- July 24, 2007
Trust as Currency
July 24, 2007Read moreI had an interesting email conversation with Steven Smith of HD BizBlog regarding the nature of trust in today’s business world, after he pointed me to guest article on Slacker Manager he’d written. His premise is that trust is the “new currency” of business, which immediately triggered the following comment from me (I apologize for the poor grammar, and I’ve inserted a missing fragment):
Interesting post! A side comment: Trust has always been the currency of the world…it’s what underlies actual money, and it’s what allows [society to function]. Organizationally speaking, I think the various types of corporate structures have minted their own bank notes for trust: in the hierarchy, the implicit promise is that if you do your job, you will be rewarded and taken care of. This has broken down as people realize that the companies themselves do not have the same loyalty to them as they expect from their employees. And thus, that particular type of trust has become devalued within the organization itself and becomes worthless.
Stephen has posted the entire thread, including his thoughts and my other feedback, over in his blog post The Importance of Trust in the Web 2.0 Economy, and would like to get a conversation going on the topic. It’s not every day that I get to bring up Richard M. Nixon in an email conversation! So check it out and give him some love :-)
- July 22, 2007
Update on Pre-Printed Emergent Task Planner Pads
July 22, 2007Read moreLast week, though, I got price quotes for the commercial printing of the Emergent Task Planner, so we’re one step closer to actually realizing an actual product!
The quick synopsis: The Emergent Task Planner is a daily planning form that uses some simple premises to add productive structure to the day:
- Focuses on tracking just a few tasks a day.
- Provides a scheduling grid to block out time, to give shape to the day.
- Provides space to note all that stuff that “just happens” throughout the day.
While there are free versions you can download (and these aren’t going anywhere in the foreseeable future), this special printed version is my first foray into making and shipping a real product. I’m thinking it will be a good education in basic commerce, and with luck I’ll be able to use the proceeds to fund development of the software products (electronic time tracking tools) by actually hiring freelancers. The experience will also give me something to write about on the blog. :-)
Here’s the current design of the Emergent Task Planner that we’re considering taking to print, which incorporates the feedback from previous posts.
Here’s the current specifications:
- US Letter (8.5″ x 11″) on a pad, no backing (for cost), glued on the top for “tear off style”. I actually have already designed an A4 version, so it’s ready to go once we figure out international fulfillment.
- No pre-punched holes, but there is space on the left of the form to allow for hole punching.
- Heavy Paper: I have to review paper samples, but we are looking to use durable paper stock that will hold up over the day while not being too thick. I think right now we’re looking at a stack of 75 sheets being about half an inch.
- 75 Sheets per Pad: This seems like a decent number, and allows us to ship a pack of 5 pads to cover a year.
- 4 color printing: I am pushing for custom inks, but this adds to setup cost. With custom inks we’ll get better tonal quality that I suppose people may not notice. It would be cheaper to go with 4-color process, but I’ll have to see the proofs and maybe adjust my colors for optimum screening (and hence tone) reproduction.
There are various tweaks we can make to the form—for example, whether to retain the year marker in the corner, or perhaps create “shells” and then run dates as a separate pass—but I think this is pretty close to what we’ll have. We will adjust the product line as demand dictates, assuming we don’t lose our shirts first :-)
Our initial cost calculations put each 75-sheet pad US$12.00 This works out to about 16 cents a sheet, which is a few cents more for ink and consumables cost for printing at home on an inexpensive color printer. For the extra cents, you’ll get thicker paper, full waterproof color ink in convenient “glue-top” pads. To cover the remainder of the year, you’ll need about 3 pads, which works out to US$36.00. Shipping will be extra, but a friendly reader told me that because we’re printing bound material, we can qualify for media mailing rates. I need to look into it further.
I really have no idea if this will work or not, but even if we don’t sell enough pads to make this an actual product, the educational experience alone will be totally worth it. Of course, I hope this takes off, because this means that I may be able to spend more time designing real productivity products you can hold in your hand!
But first…we need to get a 100 pad minimum order before we can go to press. I’m not sure how long it will take to get there, so please be patient. You can monitor the progress in the comment section here and count along with me :-)
To keep our risks low, I’m going to actually do a pre-order here so we can estimate the number of pads we will print. This will allow us to determine whether we have enough orders to make offset printing cost effective, ensure that we have a sufficient margin to save some money for a next round of product development. To make it worthwhile, we need to print at least 7500 sheets—that’s 100 pads of 75.
Rather than spend a lot of time learning to set up an e-commerce site, I’m going to take names via comments below here. Signing up now doesn’t obligate you to purchase anything; however, you will be contacted by me when we have final pricing available.
We’ll be using this data to estimate demand. Once we have enough orders for 100 pads, we’ll push through to the next phase. Your email address will not be sold or used for any purpose other than this specific order.
- Valid email address – you will get a confirmation email from me to confirm that I’ve gotten your order. You should see a text field where you can enter your email address; don’t put it in the actual comment.
- Number of pads to order – each pad has 75 sheets, estimated cost is about US$12 per pad. If you want to last to the end of the year, that’s 3 pads with some extras.
- Country / State – don’t use your full mailing address in your comment (this is the Internet, after all).
Feel free to add any other thoughts or topics of discussion; I’ll take them under advisement. While I’d like to accommodate everyone’s personal desires, this kind of personalization is expensive so I’m trying to keep this as simple as possible.
If you prefer to send private email, use the Email Contact Form instead.
- July 16, 2007
Lessons from the Gym, Part III
July 16, 2007Read moreI started going to a local health club about two weeks ago, with the hypothesis that I could build this on top of my waking up early experiment. The surprising result of the waking up early experiment was that it had originally failed after two weeks, but the act of going through the exercise had allowed me to discover the factor that was most effective: regular early morning social interaction. It makes sense in hindsight, as I’ve come to recognize that I’m more motivated by people these days than concepts. Once I focused on the people I was talking to in the morning rather than planning, or merely trying to establish the mechanical rhythm of wakefulness, everything seemed to align. So now, my morning routine reminds me a lot of waiting for the school bus with my “bus stop friends”, grabbing a few minutes before work to just chill and catch up on the events of the day. I would never have guessed that this was what I needed, but there ya go. The journey is the reward, and it’s the experience that defines the journey step-by-step.
Using Momentum
One principle I follow in both graphical user interface (GUI) design and teaching is to provide choice of action in the immediate context where a choice will make all the difference. In GUI design, this means being aware of what the user is really doing, and making sure that the most useful controls are as close as possible to the “action” part of the screen. In teaching, I’ll try to help my students visualize the grand scope of what we’re attempting to do, pointing out the salient details that will make a difference. Then, I will offer an immediate action for the student to take themselves where they can visibly make a change in the scenario. In both cases, I’m trying to preserve a kind of working momentum relating thought with action and observed result. I was just thinking that the same principle is applying to my gym experiment, as I’m using the momentum from being at the coffee shop every morning to carry me over to the gym. The school bus analogy works pretty well; when you’re sitting outside in the early morning chatting with people, the idea of going to work isn’t always that enticing, so by going to the gym I get to defer that “healthily”. I chose a gym that was very convenient to the coffee shop, and this seems to be working out (no pun intended :-)