Waiting for Action
A few days ago, a friend of mine forwarded me this link to 10 Steps You Can Take To...
Chipping Away at the Long Queue
This Monday morning I was thinking of the things I had to do, deliberately not freaking out about the...
Productivity Systems Redux
I was browsing my trackbacks and came across Brian Breslin’s post on Getting Things Done, where I found this...
Procrastination and the Long Queue
I taught my first class last week at the Center for Digital Imaging Arts in Waltham. I’ll write up...
Tricking Myself into Action
I was lying on my bed this morning at 7AM seconds before the alarm went off. There was a...
The Printable CEO™ VII: Resource Time Tracking
Lately, I’ve been struggling to keep track of multiple deadlines on multiple projects of multiple types. Yeesh! Although I...
Emergent Task Planner Mods!
There’s a neat post by GTD Wannabe on her adaptation of the Emergent Task Planner form I made a...
Personality and Productivity
In hindsight, the past 8 weeks have brought some changes in my perspective: For the first time in my...
The Printable CEO™ VI.1: Emergent Task Planning
Please note that this version of the Emergent Task Planner has been replaced. Please visit the official ETP Page...
Productivity via Keanu Reeves
I had a MOST EXCELLENT insight about two movies featuring Keanu Reeves: In Speed, the bus will explode if...