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2012 Business Cards, Round 3
August 28, 2012Read moreAfter taking a weekend break from the last round of personal business card design, I headed to Starbucks to...
Application Icon for Emergent Task Planner App
August 27, 2012Read moreI’m working with my friend Al Briggs on an iPad version of the Emergent Task Planner, primarily on user...
Deck Tomato Update
August 26, 2012Read moreI first wrote about the deck tomatoes in mid-June. It’s been 2.5 months since then, so here’s an update....
Two-Week Slowing of Motivation
August 26, 2012Read moreI’m noticing a recurring pattern: after about two weeks of intense personal project work, my self-driven momentum and subsequent...
XNABS2: Pondering the Next Stage, Loader Code
August 25, 2012Read moreYesterday I finished cobbling together the first rudimentary bits of plumbing, clarifying some architectural issues that would make this...
IOS Session 01: Installing the environment
August 24, 2012Read moreAs part of the ETP on iPad initiative, Al Briggs has opened the nascent source code to me so...
Project: XNABS2 Session 02
August 23, 2012Read moreSUMMARY: Last time, I got as far as creating the beginning of a Screen architecture and supporting concepts. The...
Business Cards for 2012, Round 2
August 22, 2012Read moreI’ve posted round 2 of the ongoing business card design challenge, based on the numerous suggestions that were made....
2012 Business Cards, Round 2
August 22, 2012Read moreA couple days ago I started working on new business cards, doing a bit of on-the-fly thinking to come...
Wallpaper of “Explore – Learn – Build – Share”
August 22, 2012Read moreReader Mike asked if I had a higher-resolution sized image of the diagram from my most recent Groundhog Day...