Posts tagged with ‘Patterns’

  • A Handfew of Eggcorns

    January 30, 2005

    I was browsing Language Log after seeing a mention on Slashdot. Linguists use Google to track how contemporary written...

    DSri Seah
  • More Wiki Tyranny

    January 4, 2005

    Continuing my previous thread of thought: In response to the original laments about Wikipedia’s growing pains, Clay Shirky’s “Rebuttal”...

    DSri Seah
  • The Tyranny of Wiki-Democracy

    January 3, 2005

    Wikipedia is pretty darn cool because it’s a group assemblage of knowledge from anyone who wants to participate. It’s...

    DSri Seah
  • Graphical Patterns

    December 29, 2004

    I was browsing through secretrobot and came across a lot of interesting entries. In particular, the one on GUI...

    DSri Seah
  • Windows XP, Wha?

    December 16, 2004

    Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been slowly introducing Dad to the wonders of modern computing. We got...

    DSri Seah
  • Email is for Old Coots

    November 30, 2004

    I came across this article on the demise of email in Korea: The ebbing of email is a phenomenon...

    DSri Seah