
  • Better Balance through Outsourcing

    April 13, 2006

    Buddy Mari just forwarded me this article about Sophie Vandebroek, who was widowed 10 years ago with three small...

    DSri Seah
  • Freelancing Forum

    April 13, 2006

    I’ve had many interesting conversations with people over the past few months, all revolving around the question: How Do...

    DSri Seah
  • Basketball Therapy

    April 11, 2006

    I’ve never been a sporty guy, largely this is because I felt stupid about sports in school. It was...

    DSri Seah
  • Small Compact Calendar Addition

    April 3, 2006

    By request, I’ve whipped out a quick version of the Compact Calendar that starts on Monday instead of Sunday....

    DSri Seah
  • Obsessing over Lost Ideas

    March 30, 2006

    I tend to have a lot of ideas, which is a kind way of saying that I’m easily distracted....

    DSri Seah
  • Ruby on Rails Version of The Printable CEO

    March 22, 2006

    I had the pleasure of meeting Geoffrey Grosenbach at SXSW this year. He’s a cool dude with a real...

    DSri Seah