July 31, 2006
Managing My Tide of Projects
July 31, 2006I’m starting a lot of projects this week, and my office is short by about 50 square feet of...
July 31, 2006
Emergent Task Timer mentioned on “The Productivity Show”
July 31, 2006The Productivity Show, a podcast out of Australia that, mentions The Emergent Task Timer about 25 minutes in. Many,...
July 27, 2006
Reader Question: Adapting The Printable CEO for Musicians
July 27, 2006Reader Rick Fenster, a musician, sent me the following question via email with regards to how The Printable CEO...
July 24, 2006
Three Mindsets for Making Things
July 24, 2006I have tended to judge myself by what I know how to make. When I had my first stint...
July 20, 2006
“Linux Version” of Emergent Task Timer Online
July 20, 2006I had a request last night to modify my Flash Player detection code so it would work on Linux...
July 17, 2006
Some Quick Emergent Task Tracker Updates
July 17, 2006I’ve added a few interim debug console commands for the Emergent Task Tracker Online prototype. You will need to...