August 17, 2011
2011 Academic School Year Calendar
August 17, 2011Recently a reader commented that making a version of the compact calendar for the academic year would be quite...
August 16, 2011
2011 Resource/Time Tracker Updates
August 16, 2011The Resource/Time Trackers, AKA Resource Scheduler and Task Quantizer, are designed to track multiple projects using a clipboard. After...
August 12, 2011
International Date Fixes for Manual Gantt Chart Spreadsheet
August 12, 2011Some time ago, I got a mysterious bug report from Mehmet, a management consultant in Turkey, about the Gantt...
August 3, 2011
Google Doc version of Compact Calendar
August 3, 2011Tehn Yit Chin has ported some of the Compact Calendar functionality (about 20%, he estimates) to Google Docs. Help...
August 1, 2011
Dave’s Daily Work Process V2
August 1, 2011This past week I’ve been tinkering with “ideally apportioning” my day into the following six main activity types: 4...
July 20, 2011
Tom’s Moleskine / Emergent Task Planner Mashup
July 20, 2011Tom Atwood, who had purchased the 7-task version of the half-size ETP form a few months ago, bound and...