October 17, 2013
NaNoWriMo 2013 November Word Counting Calendar
October 17, 2013Hey Wrimos! You can download the most recent version at my Nanowrimo Calendar Page! While I am not participating...
October 8, 2013
Working More Slowly: Patching Leaky Motivation
October 8, 2013This is a continuation, of sorts, of last week’s Working More Slowly: Preliminary Observations post. I had hoped to...
September 30, 2013
Working More Slowly: Preliminary Observations
September 30, 2013For the past two weeks, I’ve been experimenting with working more slowly and mindfully. I had been feeling frazzled,...
September 3, 2013
Ten for Ten! A Big Fat To-Do List
September 3, 2013I haven’t made any new form designs in a while, so I decided that I should make one today...
August 17, 2013
Adventure Thinking and Procrastination
August 17, 2013It occurred to me today that a lot of my barriers to productivity comes from a misunderstanding of how...
August 14, 2013
Dave Caolo and His Clipboard of Productivity Forms
August 14, 2013Over on Unclutterer, prolific blogger/editor/everyman Dave Caolo describes how he turned an ordinary clipboard into a personal manager using...