
  • Dev Environments & Debugging

    February 10, 2005

    A quick side-journey into debugging Microsoft Visual C++ projects. Of particular interest to me are runtime checking of invalid objects, as Crixa seems to have a few bugs related to them.

    Also, I learned what a Framework is in Xcode, and how to set the damn paths to them. A Framework is a more convenient way to distribute a software development kit, with the various subdirectories for includes, source files, resources, etc. Ordinarily you woul have to set up multiple paths; with a Framework, you just have to set up one.

    Of course, you still need to know where to set the path to the framework. It’s one of those mysterious “what #$%@! buttons do I press to set the compiler and linker settings in this !@&#! IDE?”

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    DSri Seah
  • Neil Stephenson in Reason

    February 10, 2005

    Continuing on the Libertarian thread, I just read this interview with Neil Stephenson. Stephenson is the author of the seminal cyberpunk novel Snow Crash, which I hadn’t realized could be considered a “parody of a libertarian future”


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    DSri Seah
  • Google Maps Dissected

    February 9, 2005

    Joel Webber has poked around Google Maps and written up how it works. If you’ve been living under a rock last week, Google Maps is a really slick DHTML map application that is fast and responsive…and scrolls! It apparently doesn’t quite work in Safari though.

    The writeup is a useful primer on some of the interesting technologies being bundled with 6.0 level browsers…worth reading if you’re into this stuff.

    Via Slashdot…check out the other dissections of GMail and Suggest after the link for more reverse engineering fun.

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    DSri Seah
  • Snark-itecture

    February 9, 2005

    Visit SiteI’ve been enjoying James Howard Kunstler’s Eyesores site, which features a new eyesore every month. Most of them are architectural in nature, each chosen to support his impression that the whole country is sliding toward urban blight. Despite his pessimism, this ex-Rolling Stone writer from the 70s snarks with great energy. Take this picture entry for example:
    Biloxi, Mississippi, again. A tourist trap on Highway 90, formerly a grand beachfront avenue on the Gulf of Mexico, now “improved” into a wilderness of curb-cuts, parking lagoons, signage, and the usual furnishings of our drive-in Utopia. Paradoxically, the shark’s head portion of this ensemble is probably its best feature — putting aside any considerations of kitsch or “camp,” ( that is, the love of vulgarity for its own sake.) No, what gets me, really, is the quality of the pink building behind Sharky. In a perfect world its function would be a poodle euthenasia center.

    The rest of his website is about the books he’s written on the subject of urban renewal (or rather the lack thereof). There are also some funny capsule reviews of movies…they remind me a bit of Anthony Lane without the diplomacy:

    The Missing — (Director Ron Howard) A nickel-plated stinker, director Ron Howard must have phoned this one in. Everything besides the props, sets, and horses throbs with inauthenticity. Cate Blanchette is a widowed homesteader in New Mexico whose teenager daughter is abducted by a renegade Indian sorcerer-thug. Her erstwhile father, played by Tommy Lee Jones, wanders into frame as a wasted-but-wiley old ne’er-do-well and he undertakes to rescue the girl. Everything that follows is utterly phony. The fight scenes are so badly blocked and photographed that you can barely make out which of the bad guys is getting it and how — a basic violation of the revenge movie. Deserves to be melted down into guitar picks ASAP.

    I do so enjoy a good rant.

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    DSri Seah
  • Political Quizzes

    February 9, 2005

    “You’re a libertarian!” someone exclaimed. I wasn’t sure if that was true, so I had to find out where I fell on the political spectrum.


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    DSri Seah