
  • Work At Home!

    April 11, 2005

    Since I’m working at home, I had been somewhat intrigued by those work at home! make money fast! schemes…exactly how to they purport to work, and how do they screw ya?

    My credit union newsletter had a link to this article about the Work At Home scams operate, plus some variations based on the Internet (e.g.: “Read Email! Get Paid!”)

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    DSri Seah
  • The Creepy, Uncanny Valley

    April 11, 2005

    There’s a theory related to the simulation of human appearance called the Uncanny Valley by researcher Masahiro Mori. From Wikipedia:

    This principle states that as a robot is made more humanlike in its appearance and motion the emotional response from a human being to robot will become increasingly positive and empathic, until a point is reached at which the response suddenly becomes strongly repulsive.

    When I was a small child, I hated things like mannikins and wax museum figures. An episode of Speed Racer featuring a Robot Car driver terrified me. I absolutely hated the Bear Jamboree at Disneyland.

    As an adult, I’ve recognized that this response is one of the genuine primal reactions I have, and as a result I’ve become somewhat fascinated by the subject. I’m still creeped me out, but it’s interesting to try to come to grips with it, particularly when combined with Robotics.

    Watch MovieRecently on BoingBoing I saw this link to a movie from the Nasa Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Nondestructive Evaluation and Advanced Actuators Technology Lab. This is hard core robotics research into “novel” technologies for sensors and making things move.

    The movie is a tech demonstration of a talking human female head mounted to a wooden box. It’s apparently capable of understanding spoken speech and responded. The eyes, head, and mouth move, and facial muscles are also simulated. I find it very spooky.

    I guess there’s no real point to the post other than I’m wigged out and have to write something down to get it out of my system.

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    DSri Seah
  • A New Hope

    April 8, 2005

    Visit Amazon May 19th is almost here! That’s the day when the last installment of George Lucas’ second trilogy, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, officially opens here in the United States.

    There are those of you out there who are going, “Yeah, another messed up Star Wars movie! They just haven’t been as good.” Or, “I’ve outgrown those movies.” Indeed, even today’s older kids are a little jaded by the whole Star Wars thing: they’ve got Lord of the Rings and The Matrix as grittier, more compelling worlds.

    I wasn’t that pleased with Episode I, and the improbable love story between Anakin and the Princess in Episode II had the worst on-screen chemistry I’ve ever seen. The whole affair stank. Even the ship designs left me a bit cold. So I was all set to ignore the impending release of Episode III. It’s gotta suck, right?



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    DSri Seah
  • Starting a User Group, Part II

    April 7, 2005

    I started a user group for new media types back in February, and am happy to say that it’s going pretty well. It turns out that there is a desire for some kind of face-to-face, creative discussion group.

    The group has gelled together well so far…surprisingly well.


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    DSri Seah
  • Choco Wars!

    April 6, 2005

    As previously reported, I have been held in thrall by the Starbucks Chantico™ chocolate beverage. They call it a “drinkable desert”, and at 390 calories per 6oz serving, they’re not kidding. One of them is enough to knock me out for a good hour. I liked it. I will have to try making one myself, via the recipe on the Starbucks Gossip Blog…intriguing!

    Ever the source of useful intelligence, my sister points out that Au Bon Pain has their own chocolate beverage, the Choco Bon Loco™. From the press release:

    BOSTON, Mass. (Jan. 6, 2005) – For those with a sophisticated sweet tooth, Au Bon Pain is launching a new line of distinctive, hot chocolate beverages designed to satisfy the most discriminating chocolate connoisseurs.

    Named Choco Bon Loco™, this “crazy chocolate experience” is a rich, thick indulgence made with European chocolate, steamed milk and real vanilla. The Au Bon Pain Culinary Team developed the recipe for the new drink in collaboration with Andrew Shotts, a top American Artisanal chocolate maker. For customers craving a pure chocolate taste, there is a bittersweet chocolate variety. However, for those looking for an additional kick, Au Bon Pain offers the Spiced Chocolate drink, infused with chocolate, chili peppers, cinnamon and ginger. The number one ingredient in a Choco Bon Loco™ drink is chocolate. In fact, Au Bon Pain blends three different kinds of chocolate together to create the signature rich and velvety flavor. While other chocolate drinks have sugar as the primary ingredient, Au Bon Pain’s Choco Bon Loco does not add sugar. The drink must be heated to 180 degrees to activate the flavors, smoothness and viscosity that create the experience of drinking liquid chocolate.

    I am not knowledgable when it comes to good “artisinal chocolate”, but I’m game.

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    DSri Seah